The annual Innovation in Politics Awards recognise creative politicians from across Europe who show the courage to break new ground to find solutions for today’s challenges. The Awards are presented to the politicians in recognition of their exemplary projects.
Each year since 2017, a citizens´ jury of over 1,000 Europeans determine the finalists and winners in the Awards´ categories: democracy, climate protection, democracy technologies, government improvement, social cohesion, local development, education, party innovation.
The Innovation in Politics Convention presents a series of sessions on the burning questions of today, featuring the finalists of the Innovation in Politics Awards, Democracy Technologies, the European Capital of Democracy initiative and the brand new platform PartyParty.
Saving Democracy – for real
Recent attacks on democracy have shown that digital participation is vital for civil societies in their effort to overcome totalitarian threats. Join this session to meet the people who use technologies to save democracy from the inside, and the outside.
The best Democracy Technology Projects in Europe
Selected by a jury of 1,000 citizens, politicians from across Europe present their state-of-the-art digital participation projects and give insights into what went well and what we can learn from it.
The Democracy Technologies Circle
Democracy technologies are flourishing and a growing ecosystem of platforms and tools is evolving in Europe. This “new democratic infrastructure” has a strong impact on the development of democracy in Europe. Should this infrastructure be controlled by governments? Should Europe develop binding quality standards? What can we do to support the development of democracy technologies in Europe?
Winning Hearts, Minds and Votes – with Online Participation
Welcome to a sales pitch for participatory democracy. We know how voting works, and how to run elections. But bringing thousands or millions of citizens online together to struggle things out and develop policies – that’s new, and it’s a challenge. See what works best, where participation is most useful, how to get more citizens on board – and which technologies can help.
Can Artificial Intelligence do better politics?
Your digital press secretary may already exist. Your political competitors use AI to fish for likes on TikTok. Next comes policy making: Health care and travel systems are already being improved with AI. Will politicians lose control?
The best Social Cohesion Projects in Europe
Societies across the world face many different challenges. When trying to find the solutions, it is important to follow an equitable, inclusive community engagement approach. Join us at a session which shines light on projects that help secure a safe living environment and a positive standard of living for all members of all communities.
The best Party Innovation Projects in Europe
Party innovation is essential for democratic change to occur. Join us for a session that acknowledges the importance of up-to-date political party organisations and guides you through exemplary projects that make political parties more accessible and motivating to engage people in political work.
Digital Participation in Cities - Possibilities & Limitations.
The experts of the ECoD City Network discuss strengths and weaknesses of digital participation formats in the urban context. The discussion will explore whether digital tools and processes really deliver in practice what they promise in theory. The panel will illuminate questions, such as: How can silent groups be reached and involved? Can digital tools improve the outcome and sustainability of engagement processes? And many more.
Local leadership - How to translate best practices into local reality?
Best practices are a great source of inspiration but what does it take for decision-makers to actually learn from and implement them? Members of the ACT NOW Mayors’ Network discuss challenges and possibilities of the implementation process.
The best Government Improvement Projects in Europe
Building stronger democracies is now as important as ever. Political work plays a vital role in the process. Join the session and tap into projects that serve to embrace democratic values, enhance participation in decision-making and strengthen democracies in Europe.
The best Climate Protection Projects in Europe
Move beyond the buzzwords and get inspired by innovative political solutions to tackle climate change and address pressing issues such as energy, mobility, or housing in line with the principles of sustainability.
The best Government Improvement Projects in Europe
When it comes to government services, “business as usual” efforts can fall short of delivering optimal results. Join the session and discover projects that improve the working of public institutions, advance government performance and make the government services more transparent, accountable and fit for the future.
The best Local Development Projects in Europe
No change for the better is too small! Welcome to the session which celebrates local developments and spotlights projects that foster local initiatives, embrace local economy, promote regional cooperation and development and have a positive impact on the lives of the people.
The best Education Projects in Europe
Dive into the most innovative political projects in the field of education, aimed at promoting education and facilitating life-long learning, providing knowledge as well as skills needed by resilient communities and individuals in an ever changing environment.
At the Innovation in Politics Evening Gala, the winners of this year´s Innovation in Politics Awards will be announced and presented with their trophies in a festive and entertaining ceremony.
Every year, 500+ leaders from politics, civil society and the business world come together to meet and greet their peers across borders and party lines as they applaud the exemplary initiatives.
The most innovative projects in each of the Awards categories are compiled in one place. A book filled with state-of-the-art solutions on how communities and countries are finding new ways to make our lives better.
The Gala is a place where courage and creativity to break new grounds are celebrated. Guests from across Europe acknowledge inspiring political work, whilst engaging in enlightening talks.
In honour and recognition of the innovative work, winners of each of the eight Awards categories are proudly presented with the Innovation in Politics Awards trophy.