Doron (Ronny) Zuckermann is one of the founders of the Innovation in Politics Institute and creator of our show Socks Talk Politics. An entrepreneur, management professional and senior strategist for corporate and communications development, with expertise of over 45 years, he has worked primarily in Western, Eastern and Central Europe as well as in North America, in production, public relations and advertising, the arts and music industries as well as management, e-government and e-marketing, financial services, healthcare and medical procurement. He acts as managing director, CEO and / or chief strategist in phases that are crucial for the development of the business and the implementation of strategies.

Which political moment shaped you? What was the trigger that made you step into the political world?
I grew up in a family which followed national and international political developments actively and closely. My father had strong political opinions. When I was 16, “1968” happened. So, no specific trigger was needed for me to think, feel and act politically.
How did you originally get together with the other Managing Partners of the Institute? How did you experience working together as a team and what have been the greatest successes and learnings from them in that process? What about the challenges? How do you tackle them to ensure the global success of the Institute and its programmes and projects?
I knew some of the partners for a long time, and I met the others through them. All of us were experienced in starting and growing businesses or political initiatives. The core success factors for such partnerships – and for managing the institute – are sharing the same objectives, mutual trust and no territorial jealousy. If that is how it is, everything else follows.
Your favorite concert that you experience as part of the audience?
You cannot rank jazz in a smallish club, a symphony orchestra in a concert hall and an open air rock concert, all of which can be outstanding experiences.
Which fundamental problem can politics never solve?
The persistent presence of stupidity and ignorance in parts of human society.
What are the best ways in which political leaders can support other leaders, whether within the same party/organisation or across party lines?
By sharing their visions, their thinking and their best practice in solving political problems across borders and party lines.
What’s the biggest risk you took?
Deciding to have children and trying to make sure they have what they need to succeed in life.
The best political joke?
“Don’t mention the war!” Basil Fawlty (John Cleese) in Fawlty Towers.
Innovative politicians should gain more influence. Ongoing, borderless exchange with like-minded peers, as well as with business leaders, will offer valuable support.
Ronny Zuckermann
You are the brain behind Socks Talk Politics. What is your favorite part about this project and what’s your take on making politics accessible and relatable through wit and humor?
I came up with the idea. The storytelling – by directly connecting the daily demands of life among socks to best political practice – is done by Amadea Horvath, and she deserves the main credit. Regarding making politics accessible and relatable through wit and humor – well, there is no better way, is there?!
Best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
In life, there is no “best piece of advice”. There is only good or bad advice for specific situations, fitting to specific moments in time – if at all.