Delve into this captivating blog, written by Klemen Miklavič, and explore how innovative ideas turned two sleepy towns into a cross-border European hub.

Delve into this captivating blog, written by Klemen Miklavič, and explore how innovative ideas turned two sleepy towns into a cross-border European hub.
Many citizens are frustrated by the current state of politics. But what do politicians themselves think? We asked six Mayors at the ACT NOW Mayors’ Conference.
At the age of 25, Marcin Wojciech Żebrowski launched Urbcast, a podcast about cities. We caught up with him to hear about his love for cities and why young people should care about their communities.
Join 150 change-makers for a 3-day conference from 8-10 May 2022 in Stuttgart, Germany.
A tailored programme to kickstart local action in your area. Find out about our last Local Labs conference & how you can get involved!
The Local Labs were developed to help you find solutions to pressing questions in your municipality and take action. Follow us on social media to keep up to date.
The ACT NOW Mayors’ Conference is a platform that sparks change and supports mayors in tackling global challenges at a local level.