The role of the mayor is often seen as one of the most challenging and rewarding positions in politics. But what makes this position so intriguing to those who take it on? This question served as the starting point for many interviews we conducted for our book “Herausforderung Bürgermeisteramt – Kommunales Leadership zwischen Tradition und Transformation” (The Challenge of the Mayoral Office – Local Leadership Between Tradition and Transformation).
Time and time again, we received similar responses. First, it is the variety of tasks. Second, the closeness to the people. Third, the opportunity to shape the community’s everyday life in a direct, tangible, and impactful way. No political level is as close to the citizens as local governance. While national and regional politics may seem to handle “big politics,” it is at the local level where policies are implemented and affect people’s lives in very concrete ways.
It is this direct, on-the-ground impact that makes the role of the mayor so compelling but also incredibly challenging. The responsibilities of local governments are growing increasingly complex, and the scope for action is shrinking as resources dwindle and legal frameworks limit opportunities for innovation. The gap between rising expectations and the capacity to fulfill them makes governance at this level particularly demanding. This is before considering the modern challenges, such as new communication demands and the need to modernize public administration. Last but not least, many mayors face a lot of pressure, hatred, and sometimes even verbal or physical violence, which sends a fatal message to the office that is so important for democracy.
A Changing World and the Role of the Mayor
The rapid societal, technological, and environmental changes call for mayors to lead through a period of transformation. While this need for change exists across all levels of government, local municipalities offer a unique advantage in this regard. The geographical boundaries of a town or city provide a manageable and responsive space in which issues can be identified, and solutions can be crafted, often transcending political boundaries. Local communities are better equipped to actively participate in and even shape the change that is happening around them. Rather than feeling helpless in the face of change, citizens can influence the outcomes of transformation, directly benefiting from an improved quality of life.
However, transformation processes are not without challenges. Change often threatens established routines and tested systems. In a world of increasing uncertainty and rapid shifts, even local changes can create stress and require ongoing adaptation. This is where mayors play a critical role in bridging the divide between tradition and transformation. Mayors, through their closeness to the people, can create trust, offer stability, and provide guidance in times of uncertainty. They are uniquely positioned to initiate change while safeguarding valuable traditions and, when necessary, correcting misguided reforms.
The Mayor’s Key Function: Community Leadership
In this delicate balance between tradition and transformation, the role of the mayor becomes one of immense importance. A mayor has the power to inspire a community with a vision of the future, while also protecting cherished customs and correcting misguided changes. Mayors can help address societal contradictions, giving citizens the opportunity to voice their concerns and work through disagreements in a civil manner. This form of responsive governance represents, to us, the epitome of Local Leadership. It captures the idea of responsible power and dialogical engagement in shaping a community.
Our book explores this concept in detail, offering insights and best practices for navigating this balance. Through a series of contributions from experienced practitioners and experts in local government, the book delves into the essential skills, qualities, and approaches necessary for successful leadership in local government offering insightful perspectives on a range of topics. How can a municipality become climate-resilient? How can an administration be modernized? How can participatory future spaces be realized within a community? How can involvement and diversity be successfully achieved? And how can mayors maintain their mental and physical well-being throughout their leadership journey?
Therefore, the book is structured into three parts: “Gestern” (Yesterday), “Heute” (Today), and “Morgen” (Tomorrow). These sections explore the evolution of the mayoral office and its role in an ever-changing political landscape. While the boundaries between these periods are fluid, the division allows us to better understand the trajectory of the role and its shifting responsibilities over time.
The Mayor: A Unique Role at the Local Level
While this book does not attempt to provide a one-size-fits-all formula for local governance, it aims to highlight key principles that are central to effective mayoral leadership. Local contexts are too unique, and individual personalities are too varied, so any single formula cannot be applied universally. Nonetheless, through the selection of inspiring examples, we aim to shed light on the skills, experiences, and courage needed to succeed in the role. These include a deep understanding of and empathy for the community, the talent to build trust and bring together a variety of stakeholders, and the ability to adapt to new challenges while staying grounded in the traditions that define a community’s identity. Effective mayors lead not just through policy, but through relationship-building, vision, and a commitment to the long-term well-being of their citizens.
Embracing Change While Honoring Tradition
In an age of rapid change, the role of mayors is more important than ever. They are tasked with navigating the space between tradition and transformation, ensuring that communities adapt to modern challenges while preserving the values that make them cohesive. By fostering trust, leading with vision, and staying connected to the needs of their citizens, mayors can help their communities thrive in an increasingly complex and unpredictable world. This book, through its deep dive into the intricacies of local leadership, aims to inspire and guide current and future mayors in their mission to lead effectively, with one foot in tradition and the other in transformation.
Author: Mathis Dippon is a Programme Manager at the European Capital of Democracy NPO. He co-authored the book “Herausforderung Bürgermeisteramt” with Paul Witt, which was published by Boorberg Verlag in 2024