Act.Now and Innovation in Politics Institute join forces
Act.Now and The Innovation in Politics Institute are merging into one company. Both are running international programmes to support politicians – in strengthening social cohesion in cities, modernising parties and developing democratic institutions.
“The newly merged organisation will employ 20 people in Vienna and will be represented in 15 European countries. The merger paves the way for us to create the conditions to quickly become a leading address for politicians in Europe”
CEO Edward Strasser
From now on, the new group will make its integrated knowledge and international contacts available to its customers and partners in politics. The team will be able to draw on best practice and experience from a total of around 2,000 successful political projects connected with the Europe-wide Innovation in Politics Awards, the International Mayors’ Conference NOW and the NOW Mayors’ Network, as well as an ongoing programme for the renewal of political parties and a growing youth programme for political education with international participation.
The merger of the two teams takes place under the umbrella of The Innovation in Politics Institute. Act.Now’s activities will continue and all employees will remain on board. With its focus on social cohesion and youth work at the municipal level, Act.Now will expand within the new group over the coming months to become a Europe-wide centre of excellence.
“Act.Now and The Innovation in Politics Institute have both developed successfully since their foundation. Together, they will be able to work even more effectively to achieve their goals – such as modernising democracy and strengthening social cohesion, for communities as well as for nationwide institutions”
Patricia Kahane, co-founder of both organisations.
Edward Strasser will remain at the helm of The Innovation in Politics Institute, with Helfried Carl, Josef Lentsch and Ronny Zuckermann as Managing Partners. The previous Managing Director of Act.Now, Catrin Neumüller, will take on a new role as Senior Advisor.