TrollWall is a pioneering force in digital discourse, utilising an advanced AI-driven network to solve the issue of online hate and toxic comments on social media platforms.
Social media is rife with hate-filled, sometimes extremist, remarks, especially when it comes to political campaigns. While there have always been moderators tirelessly working to curb these comments, their efforts often fall short. TrollWall utilises an AI-powered neural network to detect and hide comments regarded as hateful or vulgar, allows users to review and decide on the visibility of comments while ensuring transparency, and also adapts to diverse linguistic nuances, moderating comments with the cultural context in mind. Beyond just moderating, TrollWall revolutionises online discourse.
TrollWall resulted in a significant drop in hate and disinformation, with the tool sidelining nearly 50 thousand pejorative comments in the last month of the presidential campaign – 20% of chatter was silenced! This strengthened digital democracy and amplified genuine citizen participation in political dialogue. This democratic technology, integrated into the campaign, not only shielded the candidate from slander but also showcased a transparent, mobilised, and technologically-advanced party approach. The campaign's triumph with TrollWall exemplifies the potential for revolutionising political discourse, setting a precedent for parties globally.
Prior to TrollWall, the presidential team spent 2-4 hours daily managing comments. TrollWall's introduction was like gaining an invisible, efficient team member, shifting the team's focus from combating haters to enriching discussions. TrollWall was pivotal in challenging what PartyParty magazine called "the biggest disinformation campaign in Czech history", automatically hiding thousands of harmful comments. TrollWall stands as a silent guardian of digital conversation. It's more than a tool — it's a movement towards a happier, healthier online realm.