The Well-Being of Future Generations Act provides a legal link between the UNs' Sustainable Development Goals and Wales's future pathway by creating a set of seven country-level Well-Being Goals.
In 2015, the Senedd Cymru (Welsh Parliament) made a historic decision to put Wales on a more sustainable path by passing the Well-Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act. Wales is the first country in the world to provide a legal link between the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and domestic legislation, translating them into country-level goals, shaped and owned by citizens. This reflects the tireless efforts of people across Wales to strengthen the way in which the country’s future is shaped, and Welsh society’s commitment to a better quality of life for both current and future generations.
Over the course of a year, nearly 7,000 people across Wales were engaged and mobilised in a national conversation about the Wales they want to leave behind for their children and grand- children – the Wales We Want 2050. A key feature of this project is the recruitment of Futures Champions whose role it is to take the conversation forward. Consensus is built around a number of shared well-being goals for the future, which are integrated and indivisible, and reflect the four dimensions of sustainable development – our economy, our society, our environment and, importantly for Wales, our language and culture.
The Act extends historic obligations to promote sustainable development to 44 public bodies, legislating for sustainable development to be the central organising principle of each organisation. This legislation also puts sustainable development on a stronger footing by creating a set of seven sustainability goals for Wales – the Well-Being Goals. In addition, the world’s first independent Future Generations Commissioner for Wales was appointed to be an advocate for the long-term and to support decision makers in Wales. Thus providing a mechanism for Government and public bodies to consider the long-term impact of developments on future generations.