Vienna has been named the European Capital of Democracy for 2024/25. On Tuesday evening, a ceremonial event marked the commencement of Vienna’s Democracy Year.
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Vienna has been named the European Capital of Democracy for 2024/25. On Tuesday evening, a ceremonial event marked the commencement of Vienna’s Democracy Year.
Use the same picture.
The closing ceremony on 6 November passed the European Capital of Democracy title from Barcelona to its successor, Vienna. For 14 months, Barcelona served as the European Capital of Democracy, leaving a lasting impact on democratic engagement.
A hybrid on-site experience and activist game jam assembling the European gaming community to take a stand for democracy.
In a two-stage voting process, the city of Vienna was elected by European experts and citizens as the “European Capital of Democracy 2024/25” (ECoD).
A delegation of the European Capital of Democracy (ECoD) marked a momentous occasion during its two-day visit to Kyiv.
End of March, a vibrant presentation event at EL BORN CENTRE DE CULTURA I MEMÒRIA brought together key stakeholders to introduce the European Capital of Democracy’s Programme Year
From the 22nd to the 24th of February, representatives from ten European cities gathered in Sarajevo for the ECoD City Network Meeting
Becoming a European Capital of Democracy is a unique opportunity for cities within the Council of Europe member states and Kosovo.
Following a vote by several thousand members of a pan-European citizen jury, Barcelona will host a year of events dedicated to strengthening European democracy.
Artists reflect on what is happening right now, on the issues that move us all. Looking back at the history of art, it’s interesting to see that thanks to their particular attunement to the world around them, artists have sometimes been able to foretell what the future would bring.
Have your say and join 10,000 citizens from all over Europe to select the first ever European Capital of Democracy
Starting in 2022, every year a European Capital of Democracy will be designated to strengthen democracy. Find out how you can take part!
From fostering social cohesion to coping with the coronavirus pandemic: it is often cities which are the driving force for innovation. In this episode we take a closer look at cities as natural agents of change.
In this article we look at the role of city leadership in strengthening our democracy and how mayors can meet this challenge.
In the course of the launch of the European Capital of Democracy we hosted three round tables together with mayors from all over Europe. In this article we give you insights on the first round table with Jürgen Czerhorszky, Executive City Councillor in Vienna,
From 2021, each year, one city in Europe will become the European Capital of Democracy, a stage and inspiration for the future of democracy. Citizens from all over Europe will be invited to join.