Macron’s victory comes as a relief. Yet the fact that a candidate like Le Pen won so many votes is itself a big warning signal for democracy.

Macron’s victory comes as a relief. Yet the fact that a candidate like Le Pen won so many votes is itself a big warning signal for democracy.
Francis Fukuyama’s latest book provides a sober defence of liberal democratic values, and considers why they are increasingly under threat.
Acts of Democracy is a monthly, carefully curated selection of projects and ideas supporting democratic citizen engagement. Have you got a project we should feature here? Tell us what’s good!
We are shocked and horrified by the terrorist act we had to witness in Vienna yesterday. All partners and team members of The Innovation in Politics Institute in Vienna are well and we are grateful to everyone who contacted us immediately to make sure. Thank you all very much for your thoughts and solidarity!
Josef Lentsch, Managing Partner at the Innovation in Politics Institute Germany, returns from a week at the Political Startup Incubator in Johannesburg to share his insights.