Schools are closed. Homeschooling techniques are a challenge. Best practices help parents and children to cope with distance learning.
Virtual school system
A virtual school system matches teachers and students according to learning type and personality and offers digital spaces for pupils, teachers, and parents to interact, get information, and play.
Teaching on all channels
To reach children with no access to the internet, an initiative offers distance learning via television.
Helping children in oncological care via Facebook
A Facebook page offers distraction and inspiration for children suffering from cancer.
Educational materials for children
An Italian initiative publishes educational materials for parents and teachers to explain children what coronavirus is and how it affects our lives.
TV education programme with celebrity support
The BBC’s new home education programme is supported by celebrities to make it more engaging for the pupils.
Game against Covid-19
Unus Terra, a serious game against Covid-19 stimulates behavioral changes in the real world by leveraging persuasive design principles.
Virtual trips to experience Africa’s nature
To display the beauty of the African landscape, Tintswalo Safari Lodge in South Africa has launched free virtual safaris.
Free online state library
Access to digital library service is opened up online, to offer reading materials while closing the physical libraries.
Platform connects pupils with university students for support
An online platform connects pupils who need help with their remote learning tasks with university students who have time to help.
Guided online exhibition tour
A virtual version of a photography exhibition combines a guided tour with artist interviews and workshops for children.
Tallinn librarians read to children over the phone during lockdown
The librarians from Tallinn Central Library read books to children over the phone, Skype or Facebook until the government-imposed isolation ends.
Study support for school children at home
An Italian volunteer organisation offers online tutoring to help kids through this period of remote learning.