Basic income for citizens
In April 2020 the Brazilian Congress decided to implement a basic income which is more than half of the Brazilian minimum monthly wage for the time of the coronavirus crisis.

Psychological support for children
To support parents and children during the lockdown in Italy, the USL company created a new telephone counseling service.

Daily sports lessons for elementary school children
In partnership with the Austrian Ministry of Education, SPORTUNION launched an online sports programme via Zoom and Facebook.
Using robots to disinfect hospitals
UVD robots can be used to disinfect contaminated hospital rooms.
Tell us about best practices from your region!
We aim to share best practices from all over Europe with the community. Please use the link below to notify us about new initiatives that can be exemplary for everyone.

Tallinn librarians read to children over the phone during lockdown
The librarians from Tallinn Central Library read books to children over the phone, Skype or Facebook until the government-imposed isolation ends.

Online gathering to share solidarity practices
The online magazine Cooperative City holds weekly gatherings with experts to talk about solidarity practices in different European cities.

Free accommodation for people in quarantine
A total of 53 individual accommodation spaces will be available for patients placed in Covid-19 quarantine at the Peleș Castle, one of the most beautiful castles in all of Europe.
Collecting worldwide government responses
To support public servants during the Covid-19 crisis, worldwide policies to tackle the spread of Covid-19 are provided in an open document.

Support platform for remote schooling
A Swedish platform provides online resources to assist schools and teachers in remote teaching.
A healthcare Covid-19 screener
Partners HealthCare developed a tool to help people to decide whether they should be tested for Covid-19.

Shopping and pharmacy deliveries
A municipality offers shopping and pharmacy deliveries with the help of volunteers from a local NGO.

Anonymous Shopping Donations
To support people in need, people can donate goods while doing their shopping. The donations are then distributed by the municipality.

Assisting businesses with their applications for financial support
A platform helps businesses identify the support programmes for which they can apply and describes the necessary steps.

Matchmaking for dog walking
A Facebook group helps people who are self-isolating at home to get help walking their dog.