Spending a virtual night out in a wine bar
To provide customers with the possibility to spend time in a restaurant at least virtually, a restaurant organises a virtual night out via Zoom every other evening.
Supporting local shops that offer home delivery
A geo-referenced online map shows the small neighborhood shops and businesses that sell essential goods and offer home delivery.
3D printing door openers
To prevent the transmission of Covid-19, a 3D printer plan for innovative door openers is provided. The transmission of Infectious diseases is not only a matter of personal interaction. To prevent the spread of Covid-19
Recipes for wellbeing
To strengthen mental and emotional resilience, this initiative offers recipes to boost mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing in different languages.
Tell us about best practices from your region!
We aim to share best practices from all over Europe with the community. Please use the link below to notify us about new initiatives that can be exemplary for everyone.
Free Corona Mood Barometer for businesses
Free mood barometer allows companies to keep an eye on their employees wellbeing during home office.
Pharmacy produces disinfectant with community support
A German pharmacy produces disinfect with ingredients obtained through wide community outreach.
Platform provides advice for mental health
Spanish NPO offers advice on how to mentally cope with the corona crisis.
Government loans for small businesses
To support businesses with fewer than 500 employees, the city of New York offers a loan-based Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
Using drones to inform people about Covid-19
In Tallinn the local government uses state-of-the-art technology to inform people about how to behave during the coronavirus crisis.
A government’s initiative equips people with innovative solutions and services
To improve peoples’ lives during lockdown and quarantine, the Italian Ministry for Technological Innovation and Digitalisation launched an initiative offering citizens innovative solutions and services.
Collecting worldwide government responses
To support public servants during the Covid-19 crisis, worldwide policies to tackle the spread of Covid-19 are provided in an open document.
Italian chefs provide online cooking tutorials
To help people to prepare healthy meals in times of short supplies, several chefs took action and provide the general public with easy recipes.
Platform to help farmers find harvesters
An online platform connects farmers in need of harvesters with people looking for a job.
Monitoring the needs of regional communities and developing innovative solutions for them
A new coalition of civil society organisations was launched to meet the emerging needs of society during Covid-19 in all regions and neighbourhoods of Jordan.