Politicians, policy makers and public servants have never faced a situation like this. They immediately need policies that really work. Best practices can serve as an inspiration, a starting point and a proof of concept.
Financial support for local business vouchers
A municipality in Italy pays half of the cost for vouchers for local businesses that have been hit by the coronavirus crisis.
Health System Response Monitor
A new tool analyses Covid-19 response measures across European countries.
A regional supply movement started by a provincial government
A culinary initiative in Lower Austria informs about regional food suppliers to support local businesses.
Virtual assistants answer citizens’ pressing questions related to Covid-19
The government of Panama developed two virtual assistants named Rosa and Paco. Both help citizens by answering questions about health and security matters during the coronavirus crisis.
Full citizens rights for migrants and asylum seekers during Covid-19 outbreak
Portugal gives temporary citizenship rights to migrants and asylum seekers to grant them equal access to the health care and social security system.
Helping governments to tackle challenges in technology, communications, and operations
A volunteer-run, non-partisan initiative helps governments to tackle challenges during the Covid-19 crisis.
A volunteer-based government initiative to deal with long-term quarantine
A government-supported initiative is calling for volunteers to assist citizens by safely delivering essential goods and supplies.
A 164m-euro call for startups and SMEs to help fight Covid-19
The European Commission looks for tech and innovative companies to find a solution treating, testing and monitoring the coronavirus outbreak.
Virtual proceedings in the UK Parliament
The UK parliament allows Commons members to participate in sessions virtually.
Collecting Open Government Approaches to Covid-19
The Open Government Partnership activated its community to provide the general public with information on open government approaches to tackle Covid-19.
Making international best practices in policy available to politicians
For both, policy makers as well as politicians, in times of crises it is imperative to have a comprehensive database of policy options at hand.
Pre-testing security protocols at airports and hotels
Spain is testing their new security measures at airports and hotels with a group of German tourists before the official reopening its borders.