How to protect businesses and employees during the crisis. How to optimise working from home. Ideas, services and technology that make our tasks easier in these extreme circumstances.

Network for effective philantropic responses to the coronacrisis
Several philanthropic networks in Europe have joined up to share knowledge and provide guidance on effective philanthropic responses to Covid-19.

Local government checklist
A checklist for local government lists the most important steps to prepare, respond to and recover from a pandemic.

A marketing grant scheme for food, drink and horticulture businesses
The Irish Food Board set up a special grant to support the marketing and sales initiatives of the Irish food and horticulture industry.

Tech emergency aid for administration and social sector
An initiative provides support by volunteer tech talents so that health, logistics, and administration systems can continue their work.

Managing care services online
By using the technologies of the future and diagnosing the real needs of users, Good Support gives a new look at care and social services.

Providing an online course about SDGs and global education
An online learning platform will be open to everyone to develop knowledge and tools to integrate these aspects into teaching practice.
Financial support for local business vouchers
A municipality in Italy pays half of the cost for vouchers for local businesses that have been hit by the coronavirus crisis.

Risk-mitigating measures for public transport
How to ensure that the local traffic infrastructure can continue its services, while at the same time protecting its staff and passengers from infection.

Restaurant cooks for helpers
After closing for customers, a gourmet restaurant cooks for crisis helpers.

Archiving coronavirus websites for the future
The Austrian National Library collects and archives the content of websites related to coronavirus for future researchers and historians.
Voluntary quarantine to ensure energy security
Essential specialists at an Austrian energy company went into voluntary quarantine to be ready to take over from sick colleagues.

A resource centre to access research on Covid-19 for free
To support health workers, researchers and public servants with the most recent content regarding Covid-19, The Lancet has created a Coronavirus Resource Centre.