Many governments have implemented social distancing and quarantine. These best practices help to provide entertainment and distraction while complying with the imposed measures.

Offering a fear-free news service
A news website was created which provides easy-to-understand and unemotional news coverage.

Celebrities read children’s books to entertain, educate and raise funds
By providing fun and education to kids and parents stuck at home during the coronavirus outbreak, #SaveWithStories collects funds for children in need.

Educational materials for children
An Italian initiative publishes educational materials for parents and teachers to explain children what coronavirus is and how it affects our lives.

Organ concerts for retirement homes
Musicians in two German cities gave concerts just outside of retirement homes.

Mayors and local leaders show how they manage the crisis
Act.Now gives insights into how regional governments and municipalities successfully manage the crisis.

Enjoying live theatre via Zoom
An Oxford theatre company staged a play on Zoom and invited their audience to participate.

Virtual trips to experience Africa’s nature
To display the beauty of the African landscape, Tintswalo Safari Lodge in South Africa has launched free virtual safaris.
Guided online exhibition tour
A virtual version of a photography exhibition combines a guided tour with artist interviews and workshops for children.

Daily challenges for children
A WhatsApp channel helps parents in a neighborhood to exchange ideas for new activities with their children.
Competitions to entertain residents while they stay at home
To make the time families spend at home worthwhile the Kahramanmaraş Greater Metropolitan Municipality has started several entertaining competitions for its residents.

Parliament provides virtual tours
Since the Austrian parliament building is closed to visitors due to Covid-19 social distancing measures, it offers virtual tours live via YouTube.

Daily online sports lessons for kids
Sports lessons on YouTube keep kids active while having to stay at home.