The coronavirus not only threatens our physical health, many of us need support to boost their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
Opening streets for pedestrians
Several streets in Vienna have been temporarily opened for pedestrians to make walking outside more compatible with physical distancing.
Helping homeless youth and children from underserved backgrounds
A German institution provides food, social contacts and helps with homework for the homeless youth and for children with socially difficult backgrounds.
Free face masks
To make it easier for people to follow the rule to wear face masks in public, reusable face masks were delivered to each household in Ostrów Wielkopolski (Poland).
Free accommodation for people in quarantine
A total of 53 individual accommodation spaces will be available for patients placed in Covid-19 quarantine at the Peleș Castle, one of the most beautiful castles in all of Europe.
Establishing a city-wide 24/7 hotline to support those in need
A hotline is provided for the particularly vulnerable, to receive assistance with necessary errands. Some people are more vulnerable to infectious disease than others. In the case of Covid-19, the elderly and people with certain
A hotline for those who feel psychologically stressed
To support those who experience an increasing pressure in their personal or professional life, The Viennese Association of Psychotherapy offers help.
Platform livestreams sports classes
An Austrian sports association offers a broad variety of live streamed sports classes.
Drones transporting medical supplies within and between hospitals
To decrease human interactions of health workers, drones were used to transport medical supplies.
Reflecting the impact of Covid-19 on the SDGs
A new exhibition of Technisches Museum in Vienna, Austria aims to reflect the pandemic on the basis of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations.
Using a government’s 3D printers to produce face visors
To overcome the shortage of protective equipment in the elderly care unit in the City of Malmö, government employees used 3D printers to find a solution.
Digital artwork displayed on demand
To provide people with enjoyable moments during the coronavirus crisis, the artist Aoife Dunne displays his digital installation in their homes upon request.
COVID-19 Worldwide online investment conference
An online conference aims to accelerate innovations to fight the coronavirus and to prevent it from hurting societies in the future.