B-MINCOME effectively improves the well-being of families in socially excluded and deprived areas by combining minimum income guarantees with inclusion policies.
IPA24 Category: Local Development
Rural Areas, Local Initiatives, Local Economy
The Abandoned Houses Project
This project sees the development of a platform which serves as a meeting point for property owners and individuals interested in using abandoned and under-utilised rural properties.
Testing the City – Living and Working in Görlitz
This project offers interested people the opportunity to try out living and working in Görlitz, for free, with the aim to stabilise the number of inhabitants in the long term.
Project HELIX
Project HELIX supports food and drink businesses of all sizes in Wales, ensuring they have access to world-leading thinking and support.
Circular Economy of Waste for Land & Environment
The HERAmbiente project houses a composting and bio-stabilisation facility which actively recovers non-hazardous waste from the organic fraction of urban waste.
Preserving Kyiv’s Culture through Virtual Heritage
Kyiv’s Digital Tourism and Cultural Hub provides online audio-guided 3D tours of monuments, buildings, and museums to both preserve and promote Ukraine’s rich cultural heritage.
This non-profit organisation creates rural jobs by increasing the number of olive trees in production.
Madrid Innovation Lab
Madrid City Council launching the Madrid Innovation Lab to bring knowledge of new technologies to citizens and small companies and create a robust ecosystem around them.
Healthy villAGE: a participatory & comprehensive model for active ageing in rural areas
This project sees the conversion of an abandoned building into a multipurpose centre for elderly people, hosting various social innovation activities.
Lyon Metro: an occupancy warning system pilot
Real-time occupancy indicators help make using the metro more fluid, avoiding delays during rush hour, and makes the trip more pleasant and less stressful.