This project sees the development of a platform which serves as a meeting point for property owners and individuals interested in using abandoned and under-utilised rural properties.

This project sees the development of a platform which serves as a meeting point for property owners and individuals interested in using abandoned and under-utilised rural properties.
The Quality Tools service aims to improve public digital services by developing unified measurement tools that collect data from all levels of the public sector, increasing accessibility and transparency for end users.
The long-running Helsinki Youth Budget engages thousands of young people across the city every year, who propose, negotiate, and vote on ideas for activities and services aimed at 12-17 year-old residents.
A new entrepreneurial spirit is being fostered in schools in Finland with an entrepreneurship training that focuses on learning-by-doing, nudging teachers to keep a habit of lifelong learning.
A culture of responsibility around climate change is created in a small town through local, climate-friendly actions.
Finland has become the first country in the world to allow people to electronically authorize another person to make important decisions for them online.
Finland seeks to educate 1% of European citizens in the basics of Artificial Intelligence to bring to the EU an understanding and capability to match China and the USA in these applications.