A flexible and responsive waste-collection service is designed to help businesses take control of their waste.
In the UK, old cities often lack space for bins, especially for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Bags of waste left on the street are ripped open by seagulls, costing taxpayers money in the clean-up and, more importantly, releasing plastic waste into the waterways and ocean. As an estuary city, Exeter’s residents and business owners could see the problem. In response, Binit was established in 2017 with the goal of providing recycling and rubbish collection services that actively make the city greener and cleaner.
Over 600 businesses in Devon were surveyed on their day-to-day needs and issues in order to find out about barriers to recycling, and local litter and traffic issues. Businesses reported that they wanted flexible, hassle-free collections that help them waste less and recycle more. Building on decades of experience in wastedisposal and the circular economy, a flexible and responsive service was designed – including the Binit app – allowing businesses to report how full their bins are 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The unique app linking QR codes on each bin is an industry first and aims to get litter off the streets by encouraging SMEs to share bins; something that is not common in the UK.
The user-friendly app gives customers more control over their waste and its disposal. This means fewer companies collect waste from the bins in the same street, thereby reducing heavy-vehicle movement. Businesses are offered
a more responsive service with a wider range of recycling options. Exeter City Council is the largest partner collector and information between partner organisations is actively shared to help find the best environmental option for waste or recycling in the local area. For example, spare capacity in existing delivery vehicles is utilised to get clean, dry recyclables out of businesses quickly, reducing contamination and saving a bin-lorry journey.