DECIDE MADRID allows citizens to make direct contributions via the platform, which are evaluated and incorporated into Madrid City Council's public policies.
Decide Madrid is the City of Madrid's online platform for citizen participation. It enables the
citizenship to create or support proposals, take part in debates, contribute to the development of municipal regulations, give their views on the City Council's actions, and also decide on how the Council allocates part of its budget. Its main goal is to create a direct participation channel and increase the number of people who get involved in public affairs, ensuring greater involvement of diverse perspectives in public decision-making processes.
Decide Madrid simplifies communication between the local government and the citizenship to effectively align decisions with the general interest. Public consultations are conducted to gather citizens' contributions, which are used to improve regulations and municipal plans. In addition, participatory budgeting enables individuals' contributions to be transformed into projects that benefit the entire City of Madrid or specific districts or neighbourhoods. This platform's tools have also been used to address challenges related to Covid-19.
The platform has: 512,298 registered users; 235,487 comments; 30,620 proposals; 4,757 debates; 130 public consultation processes with 64,106 participants; and, hosted 5 participatory budgets. In the last four years, 526 projects proposed by citizens have become a reality. The platform guarantees neutrality and a new version has been developed, with higher usability, accessibility, and web-responsive design, well suited to mobile devices. In addition, Thivic - a social innovation laboratory - has been launched.