The DIPAS_navigator scales up public participation and paves the way for more transparency, inclusiveness, and accountability.
The DIPAS_navigator provides public online-participation in Hamburg in just one click: using a map, the dashboard gives a real-time overview of every current and past digital participation process in the city. Users get information and statistics with KPIs from participation processes that were conducted using the platform DIPAS, both on a city-wide level or in-depth regarding individual cases. Data that before existed in an unstructured way is now automatically clustered and made easily accessible to the wider public on one central website.
The data is automatically aggregated and simplified to serve as a central point of information and provide orientation about otherwise locally-handled participation processes. This digital service makes participation easier and more accessible to citizens and stakeholders, as well as enhancing the transparency and accountability of public participation. The user-friendly design visualises the quantity and variety of processes going on and motivates citizens to become active themselves. Thus, DIPAS_navigator is at the same time the invitation to, and the output of, civic participation.
With little personal effort, citizens see participation outcomes, which encourages them to become active. It also increases decision-makers' accountability for subsequent policies, which reinforces the citizens' sense of self-efficacy. Administrators are more bound to reporting participation outcomes since they are directly displayed in the Navigator. This strengthens the participation-feedback loop and supports the otherwise often underrepresented citizen voices as part of decision making.