Citizens can bring items to KOLO for reuse, that would have otherwise been thrown away, to prevent waste and support the circular economy.
How many items in your home aren't needed? The average Bratislava citizen produces about 487 kg of waste annually, with 9% ending in landfills. Slovaks discard 13-24 kg of furniture waste yearly. Many items could be reused and given a second chance in a reuse centre. KOLO, one of Slovakia's first permanent reuse centres, serves as a collection point for unwanted but fully-functional things from Bratislava's residents, aiming to prevent unnecessary waste production, increase public engagement, and educate people in environmental protection.
The reuse centre first opened in October 2022, reopening its doors in November 2023 after reconstruction following a fire. During the first months - with more than 80,000 visitors - it prevented the creation of over 100 tonnes of potential waste. Visitors can get both second-hand things and bring items that no longer serve them in their households. Apart from tonnes of second-hand items, the centre offers a library, a gallery, a chill-out zone, and repair workshops for up-cycling and educational projects. In this way, KOLO also serves as a community space for those interested in environmental issues and sustainability. This represents an important step in building a more sustainable city.
KOLO is also a space for further education in sustainability topics and connecting communities - city organisations, various companies, and schools - interested in green topics. KOLO not only enables people to obtain reused items affordably, but also collaborates with numerous NGOs in material support projects. It encourages a community and sharing mentality among the citizens of Bratislava. Anyone from the city can bring items to the centre and take something in exchange for a voluntary contribution.