In many countries, there are hardly any test kits nor intensive care beds or ventilators available. In some countries, homeless children are infected with other diseases already. The coronavirus is a life-threatening danger for them.
Kindernothilfe Austria, a non-profit organisation which helps girls and boys in Africa, Asia and Latin America, made a fund available for concrete measures for disadvantaged children and families in projects for child relief in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The NGO started a coronavirus information campaign for children and their families using direct conversations, flyers, radio ads, megaphone announcements or WhatsApp. Through these channels, families learn which protective measures they have to follow, receive important tips on how to manage their everyday life in the current situation as safely as possible and also receive hygiene. Also, employees make small videos on their cell phones, in which they deal with the dangers of the virus in a very child-friendly manner and explain exactly how children should wash their hands, accompanied by songs and hand puppets.
Follow this link to find out more, or check out this short video.