Many governments have implemented social distancing and quarantine. These best practices help to provide entertainment and distraction while complying with the imposed measures.

Harry Potter helps to keep us occupied
Author JK Rowling launches online activity hub Harry Potter At Home to provide wizard-inspired activities for children, parents and teachers in times of coronavirus lockdown.

Offering a fear-free news service
A news website was created which provides easy-to-understand and unemotional news coverage.

Virtual zoo visit
Live-streams of the animals allow people to visit the zoo virtually while staying isolated at home.

School television on local TV channel
The city of Vienna broadcasts lessons in major subjects and natural sciences for secondary students on the city’s TV channel.
Programming training for children at home
The Digital Kids Foundation opens its resources for child programming training and launches a virtual programming training initiative in early April until the end of quarantine.

University students tutor pupils for free
An educational initiative connects pupils studying at home with a university student willing to support them with their schoolwork.

Mayors and local leaders show how they manage the crisis
Act.Now gives insights into how regional governments and municipalities successfully manage the crisis.
Guided online exhibition tour
A virtual version of a photography exhibition combines a guided tour with artist interviews and workshops for children.

British museum publishes collection online
The redeveloped online collection gives access to the museum’s historical objects in high definition.

A digital museum for children’s ideas, paintings, artworks, videos and sounds
As a children’s museum had to close its doors during the crisis, it decided to transform its website to an online gallery where children who are at home can display their work.

Ball sports app offers ideas for exercising at home
A ball sports app originally designed for teachers now added exercises for kids to practice at home.

Music festival turned hybrid
Tallinn Music Week takes place as a hybrid event in order to allow larger groups attending while avoiding large gatherings.