Many governments have implemented social distancing and quarantine. These best practices help to provide entertainment and distraction while complying with the imposed measures.
A research centre goes fully digital
The Oxford Research Centre of Humanities provides a variety of exciting competitions, articles, flash-fiction contests, podcasts and like online.
Competitions to entertain residents while they stay at home
To make the time families spend at home worthwhile the Kahramanmaraş Greater Metropolitan Municipality has started several entertaining competitions for its residents.

School television on local TV channel
The city of Vienna broadcasts lessons in major subjects and natural sciences for secondary students on the city’s TV channel.

Parliament provides virtual tours
Since the Austrian parliament building is closed to visitors due to Covid-19 social distancing measures, it offers virtual tours live via YouTube.

Municipality broadcasts videos for children
Besiktas municipality provides children with colourful educational videos through its YouTube Channel to make social isolation more bearable.