Providing free taxi services for hospital workers
As many hospital workers in Paris work shifts of 15 hours and more, they are provided with a free cab service.

Insurance company finances solidarity projects in France
An insurance company in France provides its members with exceptional assistance to help finance actions directly linked to the fight against Covid-19.

Helping tourists to maintain physical distancing
The Swedish island of Gotland hired a group of armored knights to patrol well-visited places in the region to ensure that tourists adhere to physical distancing measures.

Helping experts and talents to create innovative solutions to serve their communities
With the “Solidarity Covid-19 Francophonie” platform, OIF set up a system to support digital talents in the French-speaking world to unite and create innovative solutions to serve their communities.

Helping companies to survive
An online platform supports businesses and entrepreneurs in operating in an uncertain environment.

Government platform to recruit retired or unemployed health professionals
The French Ministry of Solidarity and Health launched a platform to recruit volunteers and health professionals who are unemployed or retired.

Freshly cooked meals for hospital workers
To show solidarity to medical staff during the crisis, a group of volunteers mobilized to bring prepared meals to hospital workers.
Free grocery delivery for medical workers
During the crisis, the supermarket chain Monoprix supports medical workers by offering free grocery delivery.

Crowdfunding platform helps to realize solidarity projects
A crowdfunding platform encourages the financing of solidarity initiatives and projects during the Covid-19 crisis.