A campaign to share stories of kindness on social media
To share stories of kindness and show that citizens’ sense of community is not confined by walls, the Mayor of London launched the #LondonTogether campaign.

Retired teachers support students and parents
The city of Klagenfurt starts a service hotline which connects retired teachers with pupils who need educational support in main subjects.

Opening streets for pedestrians
Several streets in Vienna have been temporarily opened for pedestrians to make walking outside more compatible with physical distancing.

Medically qualified migrants may help to tackle the coronavirus
Qualified doctors from foreign countries help Germany to overcome its shortage on medical personnel.

Pop-up bike lanes help with physical distancing
To ensure that people follow social distancing rules, a district in Berlin temporarily widenes cycle lanes.

Free mental health services for all residents
In partnership with the University of British Columbia (UBC) and the BC Psychological Association (BCPA), the Province of British Colombia offers free mental health services to all residents.

Helping homeless youth and children from underserved backgrounds
A German institution provides food, social contacts and helps with homework for the homeless youth and for children with socially difficult backgrounds.

Donating computing power to support researchers
The Folding@home software runs while users do other things on their computers and provides CPU and GPU computing power to a team of scientists.