App organises help regionally
To match people who seek help with those who offer it, an app using the regional dialect connects those who are close to each other.
Hackathon for tackling current challenges
To tackle current challenges the Estonian government decided to ask young programmers for their support and organized a hackathon. When tackling new challenges in a crisis, innovative ideas are quickly needed. Especially dealing with Covid-19
Promotion fund for home office and works council communication
Upper Austrian Chamber of Labour adapts fund for crisis.
Providing an online course about SDGs and global education
An online learning platform will be open to everyone to develop knowledge and tools to integrate these aspects into teaching practice.
Tell us about best practices from your region!
We aim to share best practices from all over Europe with the community. Please use the link below to notify us about new initiatives that can be exemplary for everyone.
Policy responses to Covid-19
Key economic responses taken by governments to limit the impact of the coronacrisis are tracked for the benefit of all.
Pharmacy produces disinfectant with community support
A German pharmacy produces disinfect with ingredients obtained through wide community outreach.
Using bluetooth to contain the spread of the coronavirus
To reduce the rate of infection and help people avoid infection, Bluetooth can be used to detect users when get close enough to infect each other.
Stock and demand platform for medical supplies
A non-profit donation platform brings together the stock and demand for medical protection and relief items throughout Germany.
A remote system that allows politicians to discuss and vote on matters from a distance
The Brazilian House of Representatives and the Senate agreed to implement the Remote Deliberation System (SDR) to ensure a working congress during lockdown.
A platform to collect information and to provide digital tools which support solidarity and mutual assistance
Neighborhood networks help citizens to resist those members of society who use this crisis to discipline, exclude, and make profit.
A handbook to make governments more resilient for future crises
Code For Germany, a network of groups of volunteers (Labs), published a handbook for governments about challenges and possible solutions for crisis management.
Using drones to inform people about Covid-19
In Tallinn the local government uses state-of-the-art technology to inform people about how to behave during the coronavirus crisis.
Parliament provides virtual tours
Since the Austrian parliament building is closed to visitors due to Covid-19 social distancing measures, it offers virtual tours live via YouTube.
3D printing valves for reanimation devices
When parts for reanimation devices can not be delivered through the usual production chains, 3D printing can be an alternative.