To curb the spread of the coronavirus, it is imperative to reduce all possibilities for the transmission of the disease. A rather neglected issue in this regard is food delivery service. Especially in times of isolation and lockdown, many people order food online and thus allow the virus to spread through the facilities used in kitchens or the packaging materials.
To tackle this problem, the food delivery company Mjam requires its partners, both restaurants and delivery services, to follow strict guidelines. Among others, restaurants have to provide pickup zones for drivers picking up the food, drivers must touch the food packaging only at the bottom, and delivery staff are only allowed to ring the doorbell by using their elbow. They place the bagged food at the door and ring the door bell. Then they step away to make sure the client receives their order. Since cashless payment is mandatory, clients tend to forget about the tip. Mjam suggests to leave it on a plate outside the door.
If you want to find out more about this initiative, follow this link.