Three cities that are frontrunners in democracy have been shortlisted by the Experts’ Jury in the competition for becoming the first European Capital of Democracy (ECoD). The title will be granted to one of these cities in January 2023 by a Citizens’ Jury of up to 10,000 Europeans.
Programme: European Capital of Democracy
13 cities compete to become the first European Capital of Democracy
One of 13 cities from eight countries has the chance to become the very first European Capital of Democracy.
13 Cities Join Forces to Strengthen European Democracy
The European Capital of Democracy’s City Network, which shares expertise on democracy to change our world for the better, celebrates its launch in Vienna.
Die “Europäische Demokratie-Hauptstadt” Trifft Bei Bürgermeister/Innen In Ganz Europa Auf Hohes Interesse
22 Städte aus 13 Ländern haben sich um den Titel der ersten Europäischen Demokratie-Hauptstadt beworben.
Democracy strikes back: mayors from all over Europe launch European Capital of Democracy initiative
Starting in 2021: every year, a city in Europe will takes centre stage in moves designed to improve democracy, supported by international organisations and civil society