The Norwegian Prime Minister answered children’s question in a unique press conference.

The Norwegian Prime Minister answered children’s question in a unique press conference.
Recent technological advances can be used to to liberate health professionals from risky tasks.
People who source the latest contacts of newly quarantined patients help to fight the outbreak of Covid-19.
To reinforce the adherence to government policies by making them more normal and more obvious, the “Nudge theory” can be applied.
For both, policy makers as well as politicians, in times of crises it is imperative to have a comprehensive database of policy options at hand.
Access to digital library service is opened up online, to offer reading materials while closing the physical libraries.
How to ensure that the local traffic infrastructure can continue its services, while at the same time protecting its staff and passengers from infection.
Artificial intelligence technology mines through news reports and online content to help experts recognize anomalies. When diseases first pop up in different areas of a country/state/city/area, it can often be difficult for politicians and policy-makers […]
To tackle current challenges the Estonian government decided to ask young programmers for their support and organized a hackathon. When tackling new challenges in a crisis, innovative ideas are quickly needed. Especially dealing with Covid-19 […]
Mobile hand-washing facilities are set up in highly frequented public spaces to prevent the spread of the virus. Due to a high fluctuation of passengers, means of public transport are potential places for infectious diseases […]