A website launched by the city administration of Rheinfelden gives its citizens an overview of local support services.
Category: Government

Publicly discussing the geopolitical consequences of Covid-19
The French project Open Diplomacy started a public platform to discuss the geopolitical effects of Covid-19.

Helping tourists to maintain physical distancing
The Swedish island of Gotland hired a group of armored knights to patrol well-visited places in the region to ensure that tourists adhere to physical distancing measures.

Government platform to recruit retired or unemployed health professionals
The French Ministry of Solidarity and Health launched a platform to recruit volunteers and health professionals who are unemployed or retired.

An initiative brings together volunteer teachers and families
La Classe à la Maison connects volunteer teachers and children and parents from kindergarten to 5th grade to ensure high-quality distance learning during the pandemic.

Pre-testing security protocols at airports and hotels
Spain is testing their new security measures at airports and hotels with a group of German tourists before the official reopening its borders.

Creative solutions to kickstart local tourism
Lithuania’s capital Vilnius turns into a different country every summer weekend to provide residents and tourists with a variety of holiday experiences without leaving the city.

A conference to start a global conversation about the implications of Covid-19
To identify practical next steps for local contexts, the OECD will facilitate an international conference on the potential implications of the coronavirus crisis.

Identifying and solving the most pressing legal challenges after the pandemic
The FT Innovative Lawyers Global Legal Hackathon was launched to identify and create new products and services that address the most pressing legal challenges post-Covid-19.

Setting up a situation centre to develop new childcare offers for the summer of 2020
The city of Essen set up a “Situation Centre Summer Holidays” with the aim to develop childcare, leisure activities and education for Essen’s children and young people for the 2020 summer holidays.
Video updates on Covid-19 measures for civil servants
To inform civil servants about the city’s measures and projects during the coronavirus pandemic, the city government created a YouTube channel for its employees.

Virtual town hall meetings
The Mayor of Oakland is holding virtual town hall meetings to answer questions and to inform residents about the Covid-19 situation.

Digitally equipped cabins to provide government services to citizens
The Polish city of Otwock installed six cabins equipped with a computer, microphone, camera and multifunction device to keep up government services.

Municipality broadcasts videos for children
Besiktas municipality provides children with colourful educational videos through its YouTube Channel to make social isolation more bearable.

Free walk-in coronavirus testing station
To organise large-scale Covid-19 testings in Gdansk, a mobile testing centre opened at the University Clinical Center.

Supporting local shops that offer home delivery
A geo-referenced online map shows the small neighborhood shops and businesses that sell essential goods and offer home delivery.

Policy lessons from the crisis
The Bennett Institute for Public Policy brought together a diverse group of people to understand why we consistently don’t learn lessons from situations of crisis.

Banishing car traffic from the city’s streets
To provide bicyclists and pedestrians with more space on the streets for commuting and exercising, the city of Oakland banishes car traffic from 74 miles of its streets.

A city’s website for assistance and mutual help
To keep track of the things happening in the municipality of Milan, a website displays both the city’s services and mutual aid as well as community activities.

Using crowdfunding to provide a face mask for every citizen
The municipality of Viterbo collects donations to empower companies to reconvert their production lines to the production of face masks.