A collaboration engages locals in community business, joint cooking, and creative and social activities in one of London's poorest boroughs, focusing on the community's ideas and energies.
A BOOST for a poor borough
Every One Every Day is an ambitious project in Barking and Dagenham, the poorest borough in London. It was launched in November 2017 and is scheduled to continue for a minimum of five years with a budget of GBP 7.2 million. The project encourages and supports residents across Barking and Dagenham to get involved in and create practical, participatory activities in their neighbourhoods, build social relationships, and improve local outcomes.
The aim of the project is to make it easier to spend time with neighbours, doing practical and useful everyday things together, that all enjoy. Whether that’s joint cooking, repairing, playing, gardening, or producing goods. Projects may include learning new things; saving residents’ money or time; increasing confidence, happiness, and health; making new friends and creating a greater sense of community; all the way through to developing ideas for new livelihoods and community businesses.
The project has been hugely successful since its launch, with over 1,200 residents already involved across 70 new neighbourhood projects and potential community businesses. The ambition is for 250 projects, 100 businesses, and 25,000 residents to be engaged within five years. The project is based on the idea that people’s ideas and energies are the biggest assets in the borough. Ideas, skills, and items are exchanged – never money. There is no financial cost for taking part in any of the Every One Every Day projects. The project is funded through a unique partnership between Barking and Dagenham Council, Big Lottery Fund, Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, City Bridge Trust, and the London Mayors Good Fund. All funders have a shared-outcomes framework for the project and commit to act together during the initial 5-year period of the project.