Municipal University of Ilion

The Municipal University of Ilion offers free training programmes and promotes lifelong learning to enhance social inclusion and sustainable development, helping over 1,570 participants to access remote learning opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Municipality of Ilion and the University of West Attica have partnered to establish the Municipal University of Ilion, which provides free training programmes to people of all ages and educational backgrounds, promoting lifelong learning as a solution to the constantly changing world. The initiative is a response to the social needs of the community and aims to enhance social inclusion and sustainable development by providing a second chance for citizens to obtain and update their skills.


The University has thrived in spite of the challenges posed by COVID-19 by offering courses remotely and providing creative forms of civic engagement. The programme's flexibility and adaptability to participants' needs make it a successful endeavour, as more than 1,570 people have enrolled in courses ranging from humanities to health sciences and environmental education since its launch in September 2021.The Municipal University's ambition is to expand the courses further in new thematic areas, transforming Ilion into a "learning city" and a best practice to be replicated.


By developing a strong social and educational footprint in the community, the Municipal University of Ilion has made the city more attractive, enhanced the sense of community among residents, and helped to mitigate the psychosocial issues related to isolation and quarantine during the pandemic. By involving two major actors in the field of lifelong learning and responding to the changing educational needs of participants, the Municipal University of Ilion has created an innovative institution that promotes education and lifelong learning as a solution to the challenges of a constantly changing world.

Project owner
Nikolaos Zenetos
Mayor of the Municipality of Ilion
Project owner
Fotios Markopoulos
President of Municipal Committee of Education
Project team
Head of Sports Education and Life-Long Learning Unit
Project team
Efrosini Labropoulou
Employee of Sports Education and Life-Long Learning Unit
Project staff
Theodoros Iliadis
Head of Quality Programming and Development Unit