Best Practice in Politics
We curate exemplary political work that successfully tackles today’s most pressing issues. This platform is a hub of tried and tested best practices in politics.
4 Day Week Campaign
The 4 Day Week campaign advocates for a shorter working week with no loss of pay, helping workers achieve better working conditions and overall work-life balance. – Deliberative Assemblies aims to promote citizen involvement in politics by engaging citizens in deliberative assemblies and promoting their proposals at various levels of government.
The Amorgorama initiative is a partnership between the Professional Fishing Association of Amorgos and various organisations which aims to protect the marine environment and respond to pollution while preserving fishermen’s livelihoods.
Anstellung und Bezahlte Pflege für Angehörige (Employment and Paid Care for Relatives)
By offering people who care of their relatives at home the opportunity to become paid employees, this project makes it possible for more people in need of care to remain at home with their families.
Ausbildungscampus (Training Campus)
The Ausbildungscampus project is a collaborative effort to support young refugees and other young people in their journey towards vocational training and integration into society.
Brand New Bundestag (BNB)
Brand New Bundestag (BNB) is an independent and non-partisan grassroots organisation that advocates for progressive, forward-looking politics by supporting young political talent.
Bridging the Digital Gap
Bridging the Digital Gap aims to close the digital skills gap and resolve accessibility issues faced by people with disabilities and the elderly, using an artificial intelligence layer and accessible cyber-kiosks.
This digital platform completely digitises the building-permit process, combining high-tech methods of AI, AR, and 3D building modelling to make the process faster, more efficient, and more transparent, cutting the time it takes to obtain a building permit by up to half.
CamBuildr – Empowering a Party for Agile Interactions
CamBuildr changes the way campaigns communicate, empowering them to build agile, digital communication platforms in minutes.
Camp Bratislava
A four-day festival dedicated to engaging young people in the improvement of their city and introducing them to municipal politics.
Catch the Rain, Ostrów Wielkopolski
This rainwater collection project involves building storage reservoirs in kindergartens, educating preschoolers about the importance of rainwater and the water cycle, and encouraging effective management of rainwater on school properties.
Communication Without Barriers
Bratislava provides free online interpretation and transcription services for citizens with hearing or speech disabilities, seniors, and foreigners, making information accessible through advanced communication technologies.
Creative Home(less)
The Creative Home(less) project addresses homelessness in Panevėžys through the use of art therapy, providing participants with an opportunity to express themselves, gain employment, and live independently.
Cultural H.ID.RA.N.T. (Cultural Hidden IDentities ReAppear through Networks of WaTer)
An ancient aqueduct is restored using participatory processes, transforming cultural heritage into a contemporary urban resource which supports wellbeing as well as resilient local development.
Design-Thinking Reform in the Estonian Public Sector
Estonia’s successful implementation of a design-thinking reform led to user-friendly support measures, process innovation, and the development of new competencies among administration officials.
Digital Transformation of Education (EdTech)
The EdTech project aims to transform the Lithuanian education system by fostering a culture of innovation through equipping educational institutions with innovative tools.
Easy-to-Read: Enhancing Information Accessibility in the Public Sector
The Easy-to-Read programme helps to significantly improve quality of life for inhabitants with intellectual or reading disabilities in Lithuania by increasing access to public information and incorporating feedback from users.
Entrepreneurial Kids
This project aims to promote a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation among 350 children aged 6-10 from the City of Lublin through specialist training, workshops, company visits, and a final gala, promoting the city’s economy among project participants.
Escuela de Pequeñ@s Científic@s Espiciencia (School of Little Scientists)
Espiciencia is an educational innovation project that aims to create a STEAM learning community in rural areas, promoting scientific and technological literacy within the entire community and empowering girls and women to enter science and technology professions.
Feel Free
The Feel Free project aims to tackle period poverty among teenagers and young adults living in the City of Liège by distributing free sanitary products and useful information on menstruation, with the goal of increasing accessibility, reducing waste, and raising awareness.
future_fabric: demokratie digital denken (thinking democracy digitally)
This project explores the opportunities and risks of the digital transformation through innovative educational activities that empower young people to navigate the challenges posed by disinformation and discriminatory algorithms in their digital lives.
Gdynia Dialogue Platform
The Gdynia Dialogue Platform centralises information on city projects and engagement opportunities in an open-source format, allowing residents to participate in consultations both in person and online.
The H22 project is a long-term investment in the welfare and quality of life of the citizens of Helsingborg, and aims to make the city smarter and more sustainable in order to address emerging social and environmental challenges.
HackShield in the Class
HackShield in the Class is a free programme that empowers children to protect themselves and others against cybercrime through fun and interactive educational activities, while providing teachers with the necessary tools for preparing their students for a digital future.
Hamburger Gründachstrategie (Hamburg’s Green Roof Strategy)
Hamburg implements a comprehensive strategy to green the city’s roofs in order to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change, such as increased extreme heat and rainfall events.
Helsinki Youth Budget – Participatory Budgeting with Youth
The long-running Helsinki Youth Budget engages thousands of young people across the city every year, who propose, negotiate, and vote on ideas for activities and services aimed at 12-17 year-old residents.
HEROES® Berlin
HEROES® is a unique project in Germany that engages young men as peer educators, empowering them to dismantle harmful gender stereotypes and create a reflective and unbiased space for young people to discuss important societal issues.
Il fera beau demain – Mouvement positif (Tomorrow will be Sunny – Positive Movement)
An ambitious democratic participatory process in Belgium creates space for dialogue outside of party structures.
Improving Energy Efficiency in Lithuania
Shared electric vehicles transform rural transportation by providing an on-demand, door-to-door alternative to public transportation, reducing private vehicle usage and carbon emissions.
Improving the Living Environment in Kėdainiai District Municipality
A citizen participation programme in Kėdainiai District provides support to a range of citizen initiatives for civic improvements that are already having an impact. Citizen Participation Platform
The Citizen Participation Platform connects citizens with local administrative departments to generate dialogue on civic improvements and implement project ideas.
International House Vilnius
International House Vilnius is a one-stop-shop providing services, support, and information to help foreign talent when relocating to Vilnius.
As a non-partisan start-up, JoinPolitics scouts out and supports political talent who develop and implement solutions to the great political challenges of our times.
Just Go Zero Tilos
By developing an innovative waste-management programme and converting the island’s landfill into a Cyclic Innovation Centre, Tilos has achieved a 90% recycling rate and become the world’s first “zero waste” island.
Kindred LCR
A progressive investment fund supports community-led businesses and socially trading organisations to create wealth and collective social impact in places not reached by the wider economy.
Kyiv Digital – Public Services and E-Democracy in one App
The Kyiv Digital app provides useful, convenient and up-to-date information and services to residents, including e-petitions and voting on the Public Budget.
Madrid Innovation Sandbox
This controlled-testing environment provides safe spaces in which different products, services, and innovative projects can be tested and put into practice, simplifying procedures to facilitate innovation and entrepreneurship, thus attracting talent and investments to the city.
Megafon – My Voice for My Neighbourhood
The Megafon project engages local citizens in an accessible way, fostering the co-construction and implementation of novel solutions for civic improvement.
Mettons fin au #GaspillageAlimentaire en Europe! (#StopFoodWaste in Europe!)
The #StopFoodWaste campaign resulted in a French law that obligates supermarkets to donate unsold food, saving more than 10 million meals per year from the landfill and increasing food donations to social aid organisations by over 22%.
Mobilli is a participatory process that taps into the collective knowledge of community residents to accelerate a modal shift in regional public transportation.
Municipal University of Ilion
The Municipal University of Ilion offers free training programmes and promotes lifelong learning to enhance social inclusion and sustainable development, helping over 1,570 participants to access remote learning opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Nothing about Youth without Youth!
This campaign resulted in a constitutional amendment that reduced the minimum age for government office to 21, increasing possibilities for youth engagement in the political process.
Online Voting in the Hungarian Opposition Primaries
An online voting campaign expanded voting access during the Hungarian opposition primaries, serving as the first digital voting experience for nearly 150,000 Hungarians.
Open Parliament TV
Open Parliament TV is a platform that allows the German Parliament to record and share their debates, making the political decision-making process more transparent and fostering trust in the democratic process.
4 Day Week Campaign
The 4 Day Week campaign advocates for a shorter working week with no loss of pay, helping workers achieve better working conditions and overall work-life balance. – Deliberative Assemblies aims to promote citizen involvement in politics by engaging citizens in deliberative assemblies and promoting their proposals at various levels of government.
The Amorgorama initiative is a partnership between the Professional Fishing Association of Amorgos and various organisations which aims to protect the marine environment and respond to pollution while preserving fishermen’s livelihoods.
Anstellung und Bezahlte Pflege für Angehörige (Employment and Paid Care for Relatives)
By offering people who care of their relatives at home the opportunity to become paid employees, this project makes it possible for more people in need of care to remain at home with their families.
Ausbildungscampus (Training Campus)
The Ausbildungscampus project is a collaborative effort to support young refugees and other young people in their journey towards vocational training and integration into society.
Brand New Bundestag (BNB)
Brand New Bundestag (BNB) is an independent and non-partisan grassroots organisation that advocates for progressive, forward-looking politics by supporting young political talent.
Bridging the Digital Gap
Bridging the Digital Gap aims to close the digital skills gap and resolve accessibility issues faced by people with disabilities and the elderly, using an artificial intelligence layer and accessible cyber-kiosks.
This digital platform completely digitises the building-permit process, combining high-tech methods of AI, AR, and 3D building modelling to make the process faster, more efficient, and more transparent, cutting the time it takes to obtain a building permit by up to half.
CamBuildr – Empowering a Party for Agile Interactions
CamBuildr changes the way campaigns communicate, empowering them to build agile, digital communication platforms in minutes.
Camp Bratislava
A four-day festival dedicated to engaging young people in the improvement of their city and introducing them to municipal politics.
Catch the Rain, Ostrów Wielkopolski
This rainwater collection project involves building storage reservoirs in kindergartens, educating preschoolers about the importance of rainwater and the water cycle, and encouraging effective management of rainwater on school properties.
Communication Without Barriers
Bratislava provides free online interpretation and transcription services for citizens with hearing or speech disabilities, seniors, and foreigners, making information accessible through advanced communication technologies.
The Winners
of the Innovation in Politics Awards 2024
B-MINCOME: guaranteed minimum income & active social policies in deprived urban areas
B-MINCOME effectively improves the well-being of families in socially excluded and deprived areas by combining minimum income guarantees with inclusion policies.
Lithuania’s Testbed Programme for EdTech Startups
The Testbed Programme is a practical way for schools and creators to test the latest educational technologies in a real learning environment.
Foodcard: dignified state food aid for people in need
The Foodcard is an innovative solution which gives people the freedom and dignity to choose what food and necessities to buy, and from where.