Points4Action brings together young and elderly people to combat social isolation and improve quality of life, while offering young people exposure to careers in caregiving roles and supporting local businesses.
Elderly people in care homes often suffer from loneliness and are at risk of feeling socially isolated, which has a negative impact on their quality of life and their mental and physical health. They also rarely have a chance to interact with young people, which can lead to a lack of understanding about the needs and values of different generations.
Points4Action is a programme that promotes social interaction between seniors and young people by bridging the generational gap, allowing young people to engage in meaningful service for their community while forming new friendships and benefitting from seniors’ experiences. The Ponts4action programme coaches participants through workshops and by providing individual support to prepare them for their visits in partnered care homes. The teenagers offer companionship to residents of care homes and help them with tasks, such as reading the newspaper, playing music, or helping with digital tools. They are compensated with points which can be used in specific local businesses who are partners of the scheme, so that the programme participants can pay for goods and services with the points they have earned.
Creating opportunities for bonding between young people and seniors has long-term benefits for all participants, as well as for the community itself. Residents in care facilities can partake in more activities because of the fresh input from outside the facility, which they might not have otherwise been motivated to try. By improving the quality of life for seniors and combatting isolation among different generations, the project also improves mental and physical health in challenging times. The programme also provides other benefits by exposing young people to career possibilities in high-demand positions, such as caregivers or nurses for the elderly, and brings local business partners new clientele.