The Summer Urban Camp on the Greek island of Chios lets children take part in diverse activities over the three months of their summer holiday, allowing their parents to continue to work.
Reconciling day jobs with childcare is a challenge for parents worldwide. The Municipality of the Greek Island of Chios organises a summer camp to offer proper and affordable daycare during the summer holidays.
The Summer Urban Camp on the Greek Island of Chios gives children the opportunity to participate in diverse activities over the three months of the summer holiday. It enables their parents to continue to work their day jobs. Through collaboration with local sports and cultural associations, that offer exciting activities such as sailing, chess, acting, folklore dancing, and other sports, the local community life is revitalised.
ORGANISATIONS support families
The camp has been taking place for three years now and it keeps improving. Organisations get to promote their activities and under-used infrastructure gets utilised in summer. In a society that can rely less and less on family and neighbourhood structures to take care of children, the project has supported almost 150 families in providing daycare for their 5 to 12-year-olds.
This has really proven to have been a need in society.