Best Practice in Politics
We curate exemplary political work that successfully tackles today’s most pressing issues. This platform is a hub of tried and tested best practices in politics.

“Casettiamo, insieme possiamo!” – Changing the city together
A beautiful municipality with a decaying economy and population sees a revival of community life by involving citizens in all aspects of re-designing the city.

An Interrail pass grants free travel on trains to all young Europeans, for one month of their choice, when they turn 18.

Active Café
The Active Café helps senior citizens and young people with intellectual disabilities to socially integrate, foster their skills, regain self-esteem, and find their way into a functioning society.

Anti-Bullying App – “Bully Box“
“Bully Box” is an app which allows young people, parents, and teachers to safely and anonymously report acts of bullying in schools.

A series of programmes in personal development and creative exploration build new opportunities for talented young people and reveal their potential.

Aspire Dundee
The programme is using a range of cultural activities – including dance, drama, and music –as an innovative way of tackling deprivation and building the self-confidence of children in Scotland.

Boost By FC Rosengård
A soccer club creates opportunities with an individualised programme for the economically inexperienced youth, to help them find employment.

Calliope Mini
A digital wizard tool provides various opportunities for schoolchildren to do their own programming and explore the world of bits and bytes.

Competent Teachers – Entrepreneurial Youths
A new entrepreneurial spirit is being fostered in schools in Finland with an entrepreneurship training that focuses on learning-by-doing, nudging teachers to keep a habit of lifelong learning.

Create Lithuania
Lithuanian professionals with internationally acquired experience help the Lithuanian Government adopt the best foreign practices.

Creative Tourism Lab
The youth in Opatija create a lab for creative tourism, taking over the design of the logo, the development of activities, and marketing directions.

Digitalisation of Municipal Schools in Plovdiv
Cloud technologies make the digitalisation of every aspect of the education process possible, allowing students to learn online anywhere and at anytime, preparing students for a future digital world and improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the education process as a whole.

DigitalKidZ STEM Club
Modern educational methods are used to improve the digital and media literacy of young people in Bulgaria.

The integration of local educational institutes into ‘learning neighbourhoods’ in Vienna enhances education and the wider community for children up to 18 years of age.

Education Fair
Youth from disadvantaged schools learn to take responsibility in a four-day fair, organising workshops and performances along various themes.

Engagement for Glarus!
Am online platform encourages civic and political engagement of children and adolescents in the Canton, and recognises them as citizens.

European Solidarity Corps
This EU initiative allows young people to volunteer in different community service projects around Europe and supports them in the process.

Factory of Hope
A programme in Chieuti expands the range of services for people with mental disabilities, and offers a way of inclusion in an olive processing and bottling factory.

Feuding Youths Becoming Change-Makers
This programme counteracts conflict and radicalisation among youth from two feuding neighbourhoods in Tripoli, Lebanon’s northern capital, by creating an empowering counter-narrative that allows for positive actions, such as beautifying public spaces.

Flat-Sharing for Solidarity Projects
Committing to neighbourhood solidarity activities allows students to rent affordable, shared apartments in Lyon.

Harraga Boys
A programme in Palermo provides a support system for unaccompanied migrant minors with skills training, work placement, and social housing.

Healthy Eating in Nurseries
An orchard and greenhouse provides fresh, healthy, and environmentally friendly fruit and vegetables for children.

Innovative School Wutöschingen
An evidence-based approach leads this school to stop using fixed classrooms and hours for its pupils while providing the latest technology and adapting to individual needs.

Innovative Schools: Improving Educational Quality
Innovative Schools are recognised for their inspiring work with a title, and encouraged to support other schools to follow in their footsteps.

Integration Project Kistlerhofstraße
Integrative housing in Munich lets young refugees share a living space with local students, supported by social workers 24/7, with an in-house cafeteria that is open to the surrounding community.

Karjeras – Lithuania’s First One-Stop Career Centre
A career centre offers guidance and individual consultations to local youth, provided by a team of specialists.

Learn Before you Vote
The watchdog network increases the political engagement and knowledge of young people in Lithuania through debates and events.

Library of Sports
Young people can borrow usually expensive outdoor sports equipment for up to two weeks at a time.

Lighthouse Project School Farm
A community in Baden-Württemberg province provides a small, family-run, all-day primary school with a farmyard, acquainting schoolchildren with traditional farming methods and farm animals.

Lithuanian Youth Voluntary Service
Encouraging and rewarding the voluntary services of young people through the implementation of an official programme with mentors.

Mixed Youngster Housing Community
Startblok Riekerhaven aims become more that just a housing project, and function as a self-managed community for Dutch young people and young foreigners that provides a good start to adult life in the Netherlands.

Mobile in the Valley
As a result of a survey among youth, a mobile application called TwoGo is created, enabling people to share rides in a rural area of Germany.

Mobile Youth Work in Rural Areas
Mobile youth workers from a social business company are assigned by the municipality to provide young people in rural Lithuania with individualised social and psychological support to help them reach their full potential.

Municipal Apprenticeship Initiative
This project organises apprenticeships for refugees, making up for the decline in local applicants.

Municipal Farm for Mouans Sartoux’s School Canteens
The initiative supplies school children with organic food and educates them about organic farming, changing the lifestyle of many families in the region.

Music School in the Country
A professionally organised music school in a rural community in Poland elevates the local culture and artistic interest.

My School, My Vote!
Almost 4000 students participate and design proposals for projects that benefit the larger community, and get put into practice with the help of teachers and local NGOs.

Natural Play Space Programme
Children co-create their own ecological and easily accessable play-spaces within urban areas, to promote healthy lifestyles, inclusive development, and community-building.

Natural Resources Heating: using a mineral water spring for public school heating
A Bulgarian Municipality uses a geothermal water source to heat its schools and public buildings, and teaches the necessary know-how in a seminar.

No Wrong Door
Structural changes within council care break the negative cycle for young people, with the introduction of comprehensive, multidisciplinary teams.

On / Off Factory
An initiative in Parma supports entrepreneurship and youth employability through laboratories that explain business planning, innovative learning and tools, and enable the use fo collaborative spaces and services.

Open Commons Linz
The digital Open Commons Linz provides access to digital media for all, creating an inclusive and inspiring city environment.

This online tool is developed to connect public administration and other groups of society (especially the youth), by providing a toolbox for digital participation.

Perspective Studies for Equal Opportunities
This network helps refugee students achieve success within higher education institutes through mentoring, coordination, and prepared information.

“Casettiamo, insieme possiamo!” – Changing the city together
A beautiful municipality with a decaying economy and population sees a revival of community life by involving citizens in all aspects of re-designing the city.

An Interrail pass grants free travel on trains to all young Europeans, for one month of their choice, when they turn 18.

Active Café
The Active Café helps senior citizens and young people with intellectual disabilities to socially integrate, foster their skills, regain self-esteem, and find their way into a functioning society.

Anti-Bullying App – “Bully Box“
“Bully Box” is an app which allows young people, parents, and teachers to safely and anonymously report acts of bullying in schools.

A series of programmes in personal development and creative exploration build new opportunities for talented young people and reveal their potential.

Aspire Dundee
The programme is using a range of cultural activities – including dance, drama, and music –as an innovative way of tackling deprivation and building the self-confidence of children in Scotland.

Boost By FC Rosengård
A soccer club creates opportunities with an individualised programme for the economically inexperienced youth, to help them find employment.

Calliope Mini
A digital wizard tool provides various opportunities for schoolchildren to do their own programming and explore the world of bits and bytes.

Competent Teachers – Entrepreneurial Youths
A new entrepreneurial spirit is being fostered in schools in Finland with an entrepreneurship training that focuses on learning-by-doing, nudging teachers to keep a habit of lifelong learning.

Create Lithuania
Lithuanian professionals with internationally acquired experience help the Lithuanian Government adopt the best foreign practices.

Creative Tourism Lab
The youth in Opatija create a lab for creative tourism, taking over the design of the logo, the development of activities, and marketing directions.

Digitalisation of Municipal Schools in Plovdiv
Cloud technologies make the digitalisation of every aspect of the education process possible, allowing students to learn online anywhere and at anytime, preparing students for a future digital world and improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the education process as a whole.
The Winners
of the Innovation in Politics Awards 2024

B-MINCOME: guaranteed minimum income & active social policies in deprived urban areas
B-MINCOME effectively improves the well-being of families in socially excluded and deprived areas by combining minimum income guarantees with inclusion policies.

Condominium E-Voting – Successful E-Democracy
Condominium E-Voting allows residents to communicate their housing issues in a quick, easy, and safe manner, enhancing their engagement in the decision-making process and improving the efficiency of services.

Citizens of Ankara: Re-Assemble!
This innovative Citizens’ Assembly fosters trust and engagement among citizens and local stakeholders, building a more resilient and cohesive social and political landscape across the City of Ankara.