


We honour political work that promotes education, facilitates learning, the acquisition of knowledge and skills.


A series of events promote science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, particularly among girls and young women, inspiring the next generation of change-makers.

Ausbildungscampus (Training Campus)

The Ausbildungscampus project is a collaborative effort to support young refugees and other young people in their journey towards vocational training and integration into society.

Entrepreneurial Kids

This project aims to promote a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation among 350 children aged 6-10 from the City of Lublin through specialist training, workshops, company visits, and a final gala, promoting the city’s economy among project participants.


TechUcation@school is a free, digital-training programme which support teachers to recognise the opportunities of digitalisation, for themselves and their students.

LE TELE DI ARACNE, Sewing Academy

A new sewing academy is launched in a building confiscated from the Mafia, with the aim of giving new skills to young people from marginalised groups.

Respect – Stronger Together

The prevention programme addresses everyday problems at school by giving children a voice and involving social workers, teachers and parents.

Zero-Waste Education in Rybnik

Fifty trainee chefs use surplus food from food stores to cook three-course meals for those in need, preventing food waste while feeding the hungry.

Big Bocs Bwyd

Big Bocs Bwyd empowers future generations to care about the food they eat, understand how it is produced, and learn about how they can live healthy lives.


Children learn about democracy through the game “Mayority”, in which players take on the role of a Mayor.