We honour political work that takes a responsible approach to reconciling our need for energy, mobility, housing and food with the needs of our environment – as our well-being depends on it.
The Shop Without Money
The Shop Without Money is a place where people can exchange objects and skills, but not money, thus multiplying the lifecycle of everyday objects and promoting the value of sharing in society.
HEAT – Hamburg Electric Autonomous Transportation
A comprehensive research and development project assesses the feasibility, safety and acceptance of the first fully automated public minibus service in Hamburg.
Klimakommune Saerbeck: a city on its way to a sustainable future
A community thinks globally and acts locally to create sustainable changes and social transformation for a climate-friendly future.
Katowice involves its citizens in the development of a green and safe city that has more trees, repairs defects immediately and offers well taken care of public spaces.
Citizens’ Convention on Climate
The Citizens’ Convention on Climate, an unprecedented democratic experiment in France, aims to give citizens a voice to accelerate the fight against climate change.
The Jobticket provides discounted public transport for employees, motivating urban commuters to relieve the environment and the whole community of individualised mobility.
RESILIO – Resilience Network of Smart, Innovative Climate-Adaptive Rooftops
Smart blue-green roof technology mitigates the effects of extreme weather events while increasing biodiversity and protecting the most vulnerable in society from environmental pressures.
Gdynia Rain Garden
Green urban spaces are designed to teach residents about rainwater retention through the creation of special gardens in residential and commercial properties.
Our Soil for Bees
To save the bees, ‘bee-friendly’ habitats are created in communities, focusing on soil conservation and planting wildflowers.
Plus Belles Nos Vies
Citizens, collaborating on grassroots projects on a digital platform, strive to improve their community life.