We honour political work that takes a responsible approach to reconciling our need for energy, mobility, housing and food with the needs of our environment – as our well-being depends on it.
Binit Better: streamlining waste services
A flexible and responsive waste-collection service is designed to help businesses take control of their waste.
Actors of a Sustainable Paris
This network is aiming to create a sustainable Paris with activities to reduce the ecological footprint, supported by a website and a physical meeting point.
We Retain All Rainwater
A complex and comprehensive water management system allows Podkowa Leśna to mitigate the effects of climate change whilst protecting precious water resources.
Villages Compete for Climate Protection
Villages and private households compete to find the most effective energy-saving measures, and to reduce carbon emissions.
InnovationCity Ruhr – Bottrop Model City
Bottrop pledges to reduce carbon emissions by fifty percent in ten years using an InnovationCity master plan bound to spread in the region.
The Shop Without Money
The Shop Without Money is a place where people can exchange objects and skills, but not money, thus multiplying the lifecycle of everyday objects and promoting the value of sharing in society.
Leuven 2030
Leuven 2030 is a city-wide non-profit organisation that has created a comprehensive roadmap for a climate-neutral future which engages citizens in an innovative quadruple-helix model of cooperation.
Local Solutions to Global Challenges
A culture of responsibility around climate change is created in a small town through local, climate-friendly actions.
An online platform creates traceable supply chains from farmers, food crafters, and retail stores to restaurants.
Followgreen: reward platform for recycling
Followgreen is a new service for smart cities in the European market, introducing innovative elements both in the field of recycling and in the field of citizen awareness.