Many governments have implemented social distancing and quarantine. These best practices help to provide entertainment and distraction while complying with the imposed measures.
Documenting the coronacrisis with objects
A museum in Vienna documents the coronavirus crisis with crowdsourced pictures of personal objects.
Displaying opportunities for digital cultural enjoyment
A knowledge base provides the citizens of Linz with an overview of all opportunities for enjoying cultural offers online.
Competitions to entertain residents while they stay at home
To make the time families spend at home worthwhile the Kahramanmaraş Greater Metropolitan Municipality has started several entertaining competitions for its residents.
A digital museum for children’s ideas, paintings, artworks, videos and sounds
As a children’s museum had to close its doors during the crisis, it decided to transform its website to an online gallery where children who are at home can display their work.
Virtual story time
Storytelling via videos on social media provides meaningful distraction in quarantine.
Daily online sports lessons for kids
Sports lessons on YouTube keep kids active while having to stay at home.
Educational materials for children
An Italian initiative publishes educational materials for parents and teachers to explain children what coronavirus is and how it affects our lives.
Drive-in cinemas
Drive-in cinemas are safe way to watch movies in times of physical distancing.
Online socialising in quarantine
A digital platform makes it possible to schedule online activities and virtual meet-ups.
Online pub quizzes
Pub quiz fans can continue their hobby online from the comfort of their home.
Setting up a situation centre to develop new childcare offers for the summer of 2020
The city of Essen set up a “Situation Centre Summer Holidays” with the aim to develop childcare, leisure activities and education for Essen’s children and young people for the 2020 summer holidays.
Football matches attended by cardboard figures with fans’ pictures
Fans of a German football club are replaced in the stadiums by cardboard cutouts. This project supports local businesses and charities.