A web portal helps victims of child abuse against child abuse is designed inconspicuously so children can use it safely.
Category: Learning
Online political education for children
The German Federal Centre for Political Education recorded several hours of classes and educational material to familiarize youths with political topics.
A colouring book to explain Covid-19 to kids
St. Jude Research Hospital published a special colouring book to help parents to talk about the coronavirus with their children.
Platform connects pupils with university students for support
An online platform connects pupils who need help with their remote learning tasks with university students who have time to help.
Online education on children’s rights
An online course teaches children about children’s rights and their application in the current situation.
Online storytelling for young people
During the closures of libraries, a storytelling event for young people is organised online.
Children’s university goes online
The children’s university in Vienna has started an online programme with scientists explaining their work to children in short videos.
Discovering a whole country from home
An online platform lets people experience their country and learn new skills for free while staying home.
Teaching on all channels
To reach children with no access to the internet, an initiative offers distance learning via television.
Celebrities read children’s books to entertain, educate and raise funds
By providing fun and education to kids and parents stuck at home during the coronavirus outbreak, #SaveWithStories collects funds for children in need.
Collection of resources for teachers and parents
The platform schoolclosures.org presents a structured overview of tools and information to help parents and teachers through schoolclosures.
Tablets and internet access to for underprivileged pupils
Save the Children Italy provides children in their programmes with tablets and internet access to enable them to follow remote learning.
Mayors and local leaders show how they manage the crisis
Act.Now gives insights into how regional governments and municipalities successfully manage the crisis.
School laptops lent out to students
Some schools are lending their school computers to students so they can participate in online classes.
Study support for school children at home
An Italian volunteer organisation offers online tutoring to help kids through this period of remote learning.
Providing an online course about SDGs and global education
An online learning platform will be open to everyone to develop knowledge and tools to integrate these aspects into teaching practice.
Take-away library books
A Swedish library organises contactless pick-ups of books outside the library to provide reading material during the lockdowns.
Tallinn librarians read to children over the phone during lockdown
The librarians from Tallinn Central Library read books to children over the phone, Skype or Facebook until the government-imposed isolation ends.
University students tutor pupils for free
An educational initiative connects pupils studying at home with a university student willing to support them with their schoolwork.
Addressing all needs for online learning
A support organisation finds out what children need to continue learning from home and organises help with wide support from its community.