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Category: Work

Making humanitarian interventions Covid-19-compatible
To create evidence on how humanitarian programmes need to be adapted according to varying contexts and socio-cultural settings, three universities set up a platform.

Basic income for citizens
In April 2020 the Brazilian Congress decided to implement a basic income which is more than half of the Brazilian minimum monthly wage for the time of the coronavirus crisis.

Government funding competition for businesses
By fast-tracking innovation, the UK government aims to become better placed to maintain employment levels and make the UK more resilient to similar disruptions.

A data sharing platform for researchers
To enable the efficient collection and sharing of available research data in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak, the European Commission starts a new platform.

Local government checklist
A checklist for local government lists the most important steps to prepare, respond to and recover from a pandemic.

A Facebook messenger chatbot to combat Covid-19 misinformation
To better inform the world about Covid-19, the WHO has launched a Facebook Messenger chatbot to offer instant and accurate information about the disease.

A resource centre to access research on Covid-19 for free
To support health workers, researchers and public servants with the most recent content regarding Covid-19, The Lancet has created a Coronavirus Resource Centre.
Global innovation challenge
A global challenge for cost-effective solutions that help to prevent catastrophic effects of the coronavirus pandemic in developing countries.

Supporting the most vulnerable through the production of personal protection masks
The Sanctuary Mask Initiative (SMI) provides hygiene masks for people living in Direct Provision Centres and other vulnerable populations in the community, including the elderly.

A tracking project to obtain, organise and publish high-quality data
A team of more than 100 volunteer data-grabbers, journalists, scientists, visualisation specialists, designers, project managers, and many others help fill public health data gaps.

A marketing grant scheme for food, drink and horticulture businesses
The Irish Food Board set up a special grant to support the marketing and sales initiatives of the Irish food and horticulture industry.

Virtual court hearings during Covid-19
To replace in-person court hearings during the coronavirus crisis, video conferencing allows involved parties to go through with court proceedings.

A 164m-euro call for startups and SMEs to help fight Covid-19
The European Commission looks for tech and innovative companies to find a solution treating, testing and monitoring the coronavirus outbreak.
A platform for businesses to collaborate against Covid-19
A platform connects businesses providing solutions for Covid-19 with those who need help.

Connecting people with skills to solve Covid-19 related challenges
COVIDbase connects people with skills relevant to certain projects to inspire new ideas.

Building a global open-source platform for low-cost solutions
The United Nations Development Programme and join forces with the world’s brightest technology companies to develop solutions for those who will be hardest hit by this pandemic.

Online political education for children
The German Federal Centre for Political Education recorded several hours of classes and educational material to familiarize youths with political topics.

A one-stop-shop for technological Covid-19 solutions
Two non-profits in Israel have set up a website to empower a country’s tech community with opportunities for collaborations and new ventures,
An Innovation Map helps people to adapt to life during the COVID-19
A worldwide Innovation Map was launched to provide citizens with an overview of innovations helping to adapt to life during the coronavirus pandemic.