An exchange platform for feedback and proposals intends to enable each citizen to contribute directly to projects and the governance of a territory, at the neighbourhood, municipal, and regional level.
Communecter – a French amalgam of 'commune' (Municipality) and 'connecter' (to connect) – results from several years’ reflection on how to connect citizens with their municipalities with the help of digital tools.
CItizens directly contribute to GOVERNANCE
Created initially at La Réunion, a French island in the Indian Ocean, its mission is to spread the idea nationally. Communecter was inspired by tools such as Wikipedia, to enable each citizen to contribute directly to projects and the governance of a territory.
a shared common good
The platform is an independent network and a tool for Municipalities, associations, companies, and citizens, to propose ideas and projects – a common good to share. The objective is to allow all city players to act together, rather than each on their own, through a common platform. Mapping your surroundings, meeting people who share the same interests, learning, exchanging ideas: this is what Communecter is for.