
Best Practice in Politics

We curate exemplary political work that successfully tackles today’s most pressing issues. This platform is a hub of tried and tested best practices in politics.

A Farmers‘ Supermarket – Coeur Paysan

This is the supermarket where the notion of “eating local” finds its most accomplished form of expression; behind each product offered for sale there is a producer who commits himself and is present in the shop in direct contact with consumers.

Academy of Culture

Coordinated pre-school activities compensate for a lack of kindergartens in a Commune of Poland with dispersed villages.

Child-Friendly Shopkeepers

A network of solidarity, in the form of a network of friendly shopkeepers, allows children to be more autonomous, while bringing back social trust and strengthening community ties.

Communecter – Connect with your Municipality

An exchange platform for feedback and proposals intends to enable each citizen to contribute directly to projects and the governance of a territory, at the neighbourhood, municipal, and regional level.

Creative & Digital District Charleroi

A bottom-up plan aims at the revitalisation of a former industrial city through digitalisation, and the grouping of innovative minds to collect and execute ideas to reinvigorate the economy.

Creative Tourism Lab

The youth in Opatija create a lab for creative tourism, taking over the design of the logo, the development of activities, and marketing directions.

Creative Transformations

Small and medium-sized businesses in Lublin’s city centre are individually supported as the district is revived.

Crowdfund Angus

The local authority in a remote location backs a crowdfunding platform to appeal to faraway investors.

Digital Villages

Rural communities connect online through a development project that supports local businesses.


This online platform makes it easy for volunteers to find the placements that suit them best, and for organisations to announce their vacancies.

Hospital of Cerdanya

A cross-border hospital on the Franco-Spanish border offers medical service in three languages for citizens of both countries.

Hotel Village

A bottom-up tourist experience integrates tourist options in Ferla, in a system that lets different parts of the community benefit from renting out housing.

House of Skills

A skills-based labour market is developed by uniting various organisations in career programmes, to support the sustainable employability of lower- and medium-skilled workers.

Lighthouse Project School Farm

A community in Baden-Württemberg province provides a small, family-run, all-day primary school with a farmyard, acquainting schoolchildren with traditional farming methods and farm animals.

Mobile in the Valley

As a result of a survey among youth, a mobile application called TwoGo is created, enabling people to share rides in a rural area of Germany.

On / Off Factory

An initiative in Parma supports entrepreneurship and youth employability through laboratories that explain business planning, innovative learning and tools, and enable the use fo collaborative spaces and services.

Our Balbriggan Rejuvenation Plan 2019-2025

Participative public consultations and citizen engagement help a young and diverse town deliver nearly a hundred action items, to rejuvenate the town centre, improve public areas, and enhance residents’ lives.


An online platform creates traceable supply chains from farmers, food crafters, and retail stores to restaurants.

Stay in Norsjö – it pays off

A programme attracts and keeps qualified teachers in rural Sweden through a transparent scheme that rewards teachers who decide to stay long term, and allows them to gain qualifications on the job.

Villeurbanne At Heart

Structural changes and new methods of organising sponsorship and funding are implemented in within a system that connects local businesses with non-profit organisations and sports clubs.

Virtual Power Plant as a Local Joint Venture

As part of the energy transition towards fossil fuel free production, municipalities join up to create a local power supply company that allows the gradual move to generating and distributing renewable energy in the region.

Waterford Greenway

A hiking trail built along a disused railway line from Waterford to Dungarvan encourages new tourism in Ireland.

Youth in Łódź

A programme of scholarships, training, and competitions encourages students to come study in the the City of Łódź, Poland, and stay for a lifetime career.

A Farmers‘ Supermarket – Coeur Paysan

This is the supermarket where the notion of “eating local” finds its most accomplished form of expression; behind each product offered for sale there is a producer who commits himself and is present in the shop in direct contact with consumers.

Academy of Culture

Coordinated pre-school activities compensate for a lack of kindergartens in a Commune of Poland with dispersed villages.

Child-Friendly Shopkeepers

A network of solidarity, in the form of a network of friendly shopkeepers, allows children to be more autonomous, while bringing back social trust and strengthening community ties.

Communecter – Connect with your Municipality

An exchange platform for feedback and proposals intends to enable each citizen to contribute directly to projects and the governance of a territory, at the neighbourhood, municipal, and regional level.

Creative & Digital District Charleroi

A bottom-up plan aims at the revitalisation of a former industrial city through digitalisation, and the grouping of innovative minds to collect and execute ideas to reinvigorate the economy.

Creative Tourism Lab

The youth in Opatija create a lab for creative tourism, taking over the design of the logo, the development of activities, and marketing directions.

Creative Transformations

Small and medium-sized businesses in Lublin’s city centre are individually supported as the district is revived.

Crowdfund Angus

The local authority in a remote location backs a crowdfunding platform to appeal to faraway investors.

Digital Villages

Rural communities connect online through a development project that supports local businesses.

The Winners
of the Innovation in Politics Awards 2024

SeaProtectorOne, Aarhus

The SeaProtectorOne robot is installed at the river mouth in Aarhus, where the river flows into the harbour, removing rubbish before it enters the sea.