Child and youth participation is an all year activity in Postojna, involving different governmental, NGO, and private stakeholders that organise workshops and festivals.
Enabling child and youth participation
The aim of this initiative is to give a clear and strong voice to the children in the local community, so they are able to express their wishes and ideas and, with a little help of the adults, to make them a reality. The project intends to create a supportive local environment, so that the local children and youth can fulfil their potential and ensure everyone feels welcomed and included in the municipality.
Child and youth participation is an all year activity in Postojna, with a special focus on the festival 'PO-stoj-na živi ulici z mladimi' (a word play in the Slovenian language meaning 'Pop Up on Vivid Street with the Youth'). It started back in 2016 when Postojna joined the network of UNICEFs Child Friendly Cities. This project was designed as an inclusive and equal partnership between all relevant stakeholders in the local environment. Most importantly, the project has the full support of the Mayor and the Municipal Administration, and the willingness of all educational organisations (kindergartens, primary and high schools, NGOs) to engage. A core coordinating group divided the work by activities was established, as well as a broader advisory group open to all who wanted to be part of the project (local artists, the library, NGOs, etc.)
Various workshops and sessions were held, and the main event became 'PO-stani glas miru' ('Become the Voice of Peace') with performances of Postojna's young talents, a best-volunteer prize give-away, and a presentation from UNICEF. It was delightful to see so many children and youngsters working together. The youngsters were involved in all the phases of planning and implementing, and there were a total of 15 supporting organisations involved. The local community embraced the project, which could be seen from their attendance at the events. The regional media took interest in it too, and provided ample coverage.
We are particularly proud of our children municipality council that elects a children mayor and two children vice mayors every school year.