Many governments have implemented social distancing and quarantine. These best practices help to provide entertainment and distraction while complying with the imposed measures.
Guided online exhibition tour
A virtual version of a photography exhibition combines a guided tour with artist interviews and workshops for children.

A digital museum for children’s ideas, paintings, artworks, videos and sounds
As a children’s museum had to close its doors during the crisis, it decided to transform its website to an online gallery where children who are at home can display their work.

Public broadcasting corporation supports education efforts
The Austrian public broadcasting corporation ORF decided to broadcast news, a broad set of documentaries and several tutorials for a young target audience who can currently not attend school due to COVID-19.

Discovering a whole country from home
An online platform lets people experience their country and learn new skills for free while staying home.

Celebrities read children’s books to entertain, educate and raise funds
By providing fun and education to kids and parents stuck at home during the coronavirus outbreak, #SaveWithStories collects funds for children in need.

Mayors and local leaders show how they manage the crisis
Act.Now gives insights into how regional governments and municipalities successfully manage the crisis.
Programming training for children at home
The Digital Kids Foundation opens its resources for child programming training and launches a virtual programming training initiative in early April until the end of quarantine.

Online socialising in quarantine
A digital platform makes it possible to schedule online activities and virtual meet-ups.

Sharing what people are turning to for comfort
What people need during Covid-19 is not only news and information, but also stories about what brings solace and relaxation.
Competitions to entertain residents while they stay at home
To make the time families spend at home worthwhile the Kahramanmaraş Greater Metropolitan Municipality has started several entertaining competitions for its residents.

Virtual story time
Storytelling via videos on social media provides meaningful distraction in quarantine.

Supporting young people in launching projects to support their region
To motivate young people to develop ideas that support their neighbourhood, city or region, “wweeddoo” called for the best ideas and offers them financial support.