The Innovation in Politics Awards 2020
Become a part of the Innovation in Politics Awards 2020 and help us to improve politics and democracy in Europe. Nominate a project! Become a juror! Spread the word!

Political strategy powerhouse formed in Vienna
Act.Now and The Innovation in Politics Institute are merging into one company. From now on, their combined knowledge and international network will be available to its clients and partners in politics and civil society in an integrated form.
Josef Lentsch
Josef Lentsch is Managing Partner of the Innovation in Politics Institute Germany. Until December 2018, he was Founding Director of NEOS Lab, the think and do tank of NEOS, a political party in Austria. In

Coping with the Crisis
The coronavirus crisis poses major challenges for everyone. We collect, document and provide innovative practices in dealing with the crisis across Europe and at all political levels. On this platform we make the best practices available to politics and society.

COVID-19: The difference between living IN and living AS a community
The global pandemic of COVID-19 has not only made a lot of shortcomings around the globe visible, it has also shown a lot of engagement, selflessness and empathy from the people impacted by it.

8 things I have learned about political innovation
Josef Lentsch, Managing Partner at the Innovation in Politics Institute Germany, returns from a week at the Political Startup Incubator in Johannesburg to share his insights.

Examples from bright spots in political leadership on the coronavirus.

Submit or Nominate a project!
Do you innovate? Then join us in this year’s Innovation in Politics Awards! Submit your project or nominate your favourite political initiative in Europe.

Space for Encounter – Overcoming Division
Open, inclusive, candid and on equal terms: the 7th International Mayors’ Conference NOW offered innovative formats in order to provide space for encounter and find ways to overcome division.

NOW Networking Forum 2019
Initiated by Act.Now in collaboration with the Human Rights Office of the City of Vienna, the first NOW Networking Forum was held at the Vienna City Hall on 10 – 11 October 2019.
Across Europe our welfare systems have been a source of pride, but today they appear tattered and out of step. To create the systematic transitions we require, we need many more experiments.

NOW 6: What moves young people – and how they move us
From 27 to 29 January 2019, the 6th International Mayors’ Conference NOW provided ample space for intense dialogue and innovative formats to discuss the concerns of young people and find ways to involve them in decision-making processes.