We honour political work that increases participation of citizens – in opinion forming and in decision making.

Youth Participatory Budgeting in Rybnik
Youth Participatory Budgeting aims to support the development of ideas, engage students in selecting the most appropriate initiatives, and help young people learn how to make collective decisions in their school communities. Citizen Participation Platform
The Citizen Participation Platform connects citizens with local administrative departments to generate dialogue on civic improvements and implement project ideas.

Learn Before you Vote
The watchdog network increases the political engagement and knowledge of young people in Lithuania through debates and events.

Corruption Prevention through Civic Engagement
A platform connects people to crowdsource actionable data on corruption, offers training and educational activities, and helps find solutions and close legislative gaps.

Participatory Budget in Alytus: bringing more democracy and responsibility to the City’s residents
In Alytus, citizen involvement happens through a part of the budget being allocated according to citizens’ proposals and ideas.

300K – Have Your Say – Participatory Budgeting
Citizens in South Dublin vote to allocate a portion of the council’s budget to projects designed and submitted by residents.

LAAAB – Aragón’s Open Governance Laboratory
Citizen participation in public policy is encouraged through the laboratory’s activities, which aim to bring institutions and citizens closer together through open deliberation and transparent decision-making.

Year of Democracy
The City of Leipzig reinvigorates and strengthens democratic values under the motto “You. Us. Leipzig”, and with the promotion of 28 projects.

Electoral District Citizen Assemblies
Electoral District Citizen Assemblies (EDCAs) renew the relationship between residents and their local MPs, with a focus on engaging with those people who are disillusioned and frustrated with the current political scene. Anywhere around Europe a growing number of citizens – the “invisible third” – feels left behind by the political establishment. EDCAs are a low-threshold approach to involve all parts of society into a non-partisan political debate based on random selection and door to door motivation to participate.

Let’s Think Up Lublin Together: creating the participatory intelligence Lublin 2030 Strategy
In a complex process, carried out between 2019 and 2022, a widely accepted vision for Lublin in 2030 was agreed upon with a strategy for the development of Lublin.