Collection of resources for teachers and parents
The platform schoolclosures.org presents a structured overview of tools and information to help parents and teachers through schoolclosures.
Support helpline for residents
To support people with mental health issues during the coronavirus crisis, the City of Ostrów Wielkopolski has launched a support hotline.

Cooking for heroes
A platform lists restaurants that are offering meals for people working in the care sector and other essential professions.

Giving public space to bars and cafes
To support local businesses, the city of Vilnius allocates public space to bars and cafés so they can operate despite physical distancing rules.
Tell us about best practices from your region!
We aim to share best practices from all over Europe with the community. Please use the link below to notify us about new initiatives that can be exemplary for everyone.

Virtual zoo visit
Live-streams of the animals allow people to visit the zoo virtually while staying isolated at home.

Crisis response manual
An easy-to-read online manual on crisis communication, public health and technological advancements for governments at all levels.

App for finding suitable volunteer work
The Swiss “Five up” app offers easy access to suitable volunteer activities.

Adapting a public funding call to Covid-19
Adapting existing funding calls to Covid-19 crisis response measures allows for rapid product development to combat the crisis.
A hotline for those who feel psychologically stressed
To support those who experience an increasing pressure in their personal or professional life, The Viennese Association of Psychotherapy offers help.

Creative physical distancing gallery
A photo gallery shows a variety of creative ideas on how people encourage physical distancing around the world.

Providing hospitals and frontline medical staff with necessary equipment
To provide hospitals with missing equipment, an initiative crowdsources necessary materials such as masks and visors.

Special trolleys in supermarkets to support families in need
In Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria and Sicily, Carrefour supermarkets collect basic necessities for families in need in designated trolleys placed at the checkout counter.

Smart Elder Care Call Centre
The Smart Elder Care Call Centre combines digital health tracking technologies with 24-hour support by care professionals.

Enjoying live theatre via Zoom
An Oxford theatre company staged a play on Zoom and invited their audience to participate.