Reducing the impact of fake news during the Covid-19 crisis
To fight fake news around Covid-19, a French project raises awareness for false information regarding the pandemic.
Displaying changemakers’ responses to Covid-19
Ashoka features projects by its fellows and communities worldwide which are solving challenges in our global crisis.
Co-creation platform for Covid-19 challenges
A platform calls for challenges related to the Covid-19 outbreak and facilitates the collaboration of different stakeholders to find solutions.
Platform to encourage buying local
An online platform encourages people to buy locally and help small businesses through the crisis.
Online course: The Science of Well-Being
An online course on well-being teaches participants about misconceptions on happiness and gives them tools to improve their own well-being.
Using behavioral insights to enforce policy compliance
To reinforce the adherence to government policies by making them more normal and more obvious, the “Nudge theory” can be applied.
Checking in on the vulnerable
A national postal service doubles up as a check-in and support service for older and vulnerable people.
Corona explanatory video for children
The city of Vienna informs children about the coronavirus and protective measures by publishing a child-friendly explanatory video.
Restaurant cooks for helpers
After closing for customers, a gourmet restaurant cooks for crisis helpers.
Virtual story time
Storytelling via videos on social media provides meaningful distraction in quarantine.
A platform that tells citizens how they can support their government
The government of Ontario started an initiative to empower citizens to help fight coronavirus. Citizens can offer emergency products and innovative solutions or volunteer to support the government’s response to Covid-19.
Using AI as early warning system
Artificial intelligence technology mines through news reports and online content to help experts recognize anomalies. When diseases first pop up in different areas of a country/state/city/area, it can often be difficult for politicians and policy-makers
Plexiglass screens to protect cashiers
Plexiglas screens serve as a physical barrier between cashiers and custormers in supermarkets.
Successfully organizing blood donations
To make blood donations possible, an online platform was created that allows citizens to book personal appointments in special donation facilities.
Recipes for wellbeing
To strengthen mental and emotional resilience, this initiative offers recipes to boost mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing in different languages.